She's like a Pearl in a box (1)

The van had a warm air conditioner on, and the temperature was 27 degrees Celsius.

However, since she had just come out of the building and was going to be caught by the cameras and paparazzi, she didn't dress too well today.

She only had a large Persian scarf on top of her cashmere trench coat. After getting into the car, she finally couldn't take it anymore. She shivered and breathed hot air into her cold and red palms.

As she was chopping off her feet, she saw Luo tianlin's broad palm reaching out to her.

She couldn't help but reach out.

In an instant, her delicate, white hand was held by his palm-patterned hand.

The joints of the man's fingers were not prominent and looked very slender, like the hands of a natural pianist. They were good-looking but very powerful.

When he held her hand, Xia Bo he felt a ball of hot air from his palm to hers ... This ball of fire followed her little hand, all the way from her slender wrist to her forearm ...