Grandpa broke the Dragon head off The Walking stick

The center of the Rivertown Stadium was very spacious, and a few rows of ceiling lights were flashing on the roof.

The light that shone down was white and dazzling.

In the middle of the gymnasium, the girl with the bright red ruby on her head looked like a dancing Phoenix made of diamonds.

Her toes touched the ground, the backs of her feet were tensed, her waist was slightly bent, and her forehead was slightly down. Her slender body formed a smooth and full soft arc.

The ribbon in her hand seemed to have a soul. It flew in a circle like a fire, forming a natural barrier around her snow-white slender neck and her tall and delicate waist.

It was soft as if it had no bones, and it spun lightly.

Under the illumination of the incandescent light on the roof, her beautiful little face seemed to flash, from the inside out, revealing a layer of Pearl-like restrained light.

[I ... Whoever says xiaxia can't dance in the future, I'm going to fight them to the death!]