The audience is full of question marks (1)

When the final officially began, the curtains on the stage were drawn.

This time, the host didn't say anything more.

As usual, the voting began when the performance began.

Each actor had a corresponding number.

[ huh, xiaxia is on the 4th again? What kind of fate is this?

[ Zhou Weize No. 3, Mid-Autumn No. 1, GE min No. 2, summer mint No. 4 ... ] [ guess what I found? ]

[ ah, zhouzhou is a couple with suzerain again, right? Zhongqiu and teacher GE min? ]

[ I can stick to this couple for a year! ]

[ Zhao Zhenzhen is finally gone. It's a pity that fireworks can't be set off in the city. I'm so happy! ]

[ finally, there's only the eye-pleasing person left on stage! ]

The live comments were lively.

When the director called for action and the actors began to act, the bullet screen became much cleaner, and the scene became quiet.

In anticipation, Zhou Weize, who was wearing a suit, knocked on the door of Xia Bohe's room.