She's pretending to be a pig to eat a Tiger?(1)

"This is shuméry?"

In a more spacious and comfortable lounge backstage, GE min looked at her manager with shock.

"She ... You've improved again."

This was not a question.

It was an affirmative sentence.

GE min didn't recognize it at first, but after hearing the recipe, she was very sure.

Xia Bo had competed with her on the same stage.

They were very familiar with each other's voices.

But even so, if it wasn't for the fact that Xia Bohe's voice had not changed, GE min would not have recognized her.

"The appeal of her voice has improved a lot since the previous competition."

"Or did she not use her full strength before?"

Pretending to be a pig to eat a Tiger?

GE min could not suppress this thought.

It had only been a few days since the finals of 'actor', so how could Xia Bo's lines have improved so much?