A country of women (1)

Zhou xiran only had three chances.

He had thought that the fan meet-and-greet would be the best opportunity, but he had failed both times.

There was only one more time left.

Zhou xiran did not dare to act rashly anymore.

She hurriedly left, not wanting to stay here any longer.

But soon, all the lights in the private club went out.

There was only one glass lamp left, and the incense was burning. The whole audience screamed.

Xia Bo Li left the stage and changed into a peony-colored Palace dress. It was a green dress with flowers and a Jade-gold hairpin with three phoenixes and pearls on it. There was also a gold flower hairpin on her forehead.

Looking around, she was unparalleled in her beauty, making people lose their minds.



“.. Sister, you should just make me die of beauty."

"My chest is beating fast."

"My hands are shaking from watching."