Did the festival group really give me 7 Yuan?

The digital lock opened.

The three men were all stunned.

He wenhang covered his face and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. xiaxia, if you have any thoughts next time, just tell me directly. It's okay if you're bad at math. Your observation skills are too strong."

Zhong Qiu didn't know what to say either, and his face had an expression that said 'I'd be a fool to believe you'.

Xu Jinwei could understand. Xiao Xia has been in the industry for half a year and her acting skills have improved rapidly. It has a lot to do with her delicate observation skills and love to think and analyze.

Xia Bo he smiled, her face red. I was just a blind cat that got lucky.

As they were talking, they heard footsteps coming from the end of the corridor.

"Mr. Zhong, the second hand is 23 seconds."

"Try 120023, or 240023 ... If it doesn't work, I've also counted the number of bricks on the ground. The length is 16 and the width is 28 ..."