My eyes are everywhere, hehe (1)

After a while, Shermie 'pretended' to make a phone call outside the restaurant.

However, in the livestream, she quickly ran to the department store next door with her backpack.

He had obviously escaped!

Could the phone call be faked?

Of course he could.

When a lady wanted to leave early on some occasions, she would always create some harmless reasons.

Being called away was one of the ways.

Shiba had tried it before.

She used to be a tone-deaf cancer in KTV.

At the graduation KTV party, she really couldn't bear to show off her tone-deaf ability in front of the school hunk. When it was her turn to sing, she sent a message to her best friend and asked her to call her.

She pretended to pick up the phone and left.

And now ...

"Phew. Fortunately, I've given you a few secret signals in advance."

Xia Bo Li panted heavily in the safe corridor of the department store.


[ who did xiaxia communicate the code to? ]