We have everything, the only thing we lack at home is a bear (1)

In the video.

Luo tianlin stood on the steps, while the photographer stood a few steps below, looking up and taking photos.

The crystal chandelier on the second floor shone on his shoulder.

The broad palm of his outstretched hand was covered in palm prints.

In the camera, his handsomeness could not be hidden.

The clumsy bear four, who was standing a little below him, looked up at him like a silly goose.

Even though she was wearing a large and wide costume, she was still a few sizes smaller than him.

[ Oh my God. ]

[ this is the scene where fourth bear can't walk up the stairs and President Yan reached out to her, right? ]

[ werebears are actually so compatible? ] [ I'm dirty. ]

【。。。[romance novel author, please take note. Boss has a new couple ~]

[ this means that the man is strong enough. He's tall, rich, and handsome to the extreme. No matter what kind of female it is, he can handle it! ]

[ hold on to the progress bar! ]