This Grandpa is so cute!_1

The camera quickly followed the workers who were busy decorating the living room and took a round.

In the end, he had no choice but to retreat because he was in the way.

"Then let's go to B3 and take a look."

[ B3 is a luxury car park? ]

[ a luxury car is coming? ]

However, when the camera went in, it realized that it was not a parking lot.

On the left was the kitchen, laundry room, and storage room. On the right was an independent bedroom and bathroom. It was clean and tidy.

"This is the living quarters of the villa's staff." The Butler also walked down and introduced the room to the male PD. the other rooms are all occupied, so you can rest in this empty room.

The male PD politely said that there was no problem, but when the camera turned, they could see more than a dozen closed doors along the way.

[ at least ten permanent servants? ]