Why is mother Xia always biased?(1)

In the early years, the Xia family had moved from a first-tier city like Jiang city to a County in a third-tier city.

Xia Mingli married Mao ruimin on a blind date.

However, she did not expect that they would not have any children even after three years of marriage.

The two of them went to the hospital in Jiang city for a physical examination and even tried to do test-tube babies, but both attempts ended in failure.

Grandpa Xia was an open-minded person. He didn't want to force his daughter-in-law, but he liked children.

At that time, Mao ruimin was very grateful for her father-in-law's understanding, and took the initiative to suggest adoption.

Xia Mingli had always been a soft-hearted person. When it came to the matter of children, he listened to the old master and Mao ruimin's idea. The whole family hit it off and went to the orphanage to register.

After a long selection, he picked the beautiful and cute summer catmint and brought her home.