'Like frost' premieres (1)

After the second season of " Love " was broadcast, the number of views kept increasing.

The Xia Tian couple had become the number one couple on Weibo and no one could shake their position.

[ did the couple get married this summer? ]

[ have you gotten your marriage certificate? ]

[ look for me for the pre-marital check. I'm a doctor. ]

[ I'm in the Obstetrics Department for the delivery. ]

The comments section was bustling with activity, and the countdown for them was going on every day.

However, she kept a low profile and switched between the film crew and the festival group as usual.

Not long after, it was the end of the month, and the movie " winter frost " officially premiered.

As the second female lead, sherby also went to the premiere. She wore a long-sleeved dark green dress to match the image of Kisaragi in the movie.

She was holding the microphone, and her long sleeves were like cloud patterns and waves hanging around her slender waist.