Attending the award ceremony (1)

On both sides of the red carpet, there were flashing camera lights.

Behind the reporters 'area, there were security guards, as well as excited fans from various stations.

Every year, the television Awards would invite the industry's outstanding actors, producers, producers, and even well-known directors to be the award guests.

Most of the nominees for each award would be present.

As she walked gracefully or elegantly on the red carpet, the crowd cheered.

But today, the Grand occasion was still the same, and it was even more than before.

One by one, the cars stopped at the end of the red carpet.

As soon as the car door opened, the crowd burst into screams.

The host's elegant introduction followed.

the person who has arrived at this moment is our old screen friend of the year, Mr. Xu Jingwei.

the image of the Imperial horse general that he created is deeply rooted in our hearts. It's unforgettable.