Whose Auntie did you say didn't come?

Shiba's wire movements were really smooth and standard.

Coupled with her Taekwondo and dance training, when she was pulled up by the wire rope, she was as light as water.

If it wasn't for her young age, others would have thought that she had filmed several Xianxia dramas before she had the foundation.

Bo he's not bad. This veya has some skills. Director Guo zhishen gave him a thumbs up.

Guo zhishen originally thought that this girl had acting skills, but she might not be good at fighting scenes. Who would have thought that she would shock the entire audience as soon as she went on stage? there were no NGS at all, and she was extremely efficient.

Thinking that she was the daughter of the Zhou family and the daughter-in-law of the Luo family, Guo zhishen was amazed.

Most people couldn't bear the pain of long-term training on wire hanging, let alone this kind of delicate beauty.