The whole family was dumbfounded (1)

The medical team entered the film crew in a very low-key manner.

Two of them were on standby at the filming set, and another two were on standby at the hotel.

From today on, it would be Group A, and there would be a group B medical team changing with them every three days.

"Doctors also need to rest. Maintaining their condition and energy is directly linked to their ability to deal with emergencies."

Luo tianlin explained.

He had already helped Xia Bo Li onto the bed.

She touched her belly, which was not bulging at all, and tried to fight for a chance to get up, but she was rejected.

"You don't have any scenes to shoot, so you should rest for a while." Luo tianlin was now treating her like a fragile treasure.

Thinking of the fight scene he had shot before, he still felt dizzy and on edge.

Fortunately, after the doctor's examination, he was relieved to see that both the child and the mother were in good condition.