Movie promotional livestream (1)

After filming all the non-fighting scenes in the Xianxia drama, Xia Bohe's stomach quickly bulged, and she entered the late stage of her seven-month pregnancy.

Even if she could do it herself, Luo tianlin would not agree to it.

The production team was temporarily disbanded, and they would talk about it again after she was out of her breastfeeding period.

Sherby entered her rest period again, but she couldn't stay idle. She took the opportunity to Max out most of the acting courses in the system.

In addition, she also wanted to go out and hang out a few more times.

So when "assassin" entered the promotional stage, the director invited her and Zhou Weize to have two live-stream interactions.

Xia Bo was eager to try.

With her big belly, she held Luo tianlin's arm and swung it around. I'll be at home at ease after this work is over. Even ordinary pregnant women have to work until their due date."