Dungeon Exploring (P.3) - Chapter 9

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The next day, after Aya and Hiroki had spent the night at one small inn in Frol town, she woke up very early in the morning. She was refreshed and ready for the dungeon they were planning on entering.

Since the exact location was still unknown, Aya had to ask for more details at this town's guild about the dungeon that had been notified. And since the guild was willing to get any materials from the dungeon from anyone who would try to conquer it, she was given the latest information about this recent dungeon.

While a dungeon was mostly dangerous for a lot of newbie adventurers, only veterans and skilled fighters dared to enter one.

But another myth that many people feared about dungeons was the fact that if a human got killed inside the dungeon, its corpse would get discovered and eaten by the dungeon itself within an hour.

Following a group of adventurers through the forest near Frol town was Aya, with new equipment on her chest and arms. Even though she seemed to be on her own from the perspective of other adventurers who happened to go to the same dungeon, Aya had someone inside her.

The discovered dungeon wasn't that far away from the main town, which is why many of the adventurers, including Aya, were going there by foot.

The entrance of the dungeon itself was located somewhere within a significant hill. However, as Aya and the ghost inside her arrived there, they soon realized that around twenty other adventurers were either complaining or yelling.

"What's going on?"

One of the adventurers who was in front of Aya asked as they approached the group.

"Eh? This piece of shit is suddenly demanding one gold coin for each person in order to enter the dungeon. But there was never something like this stated before. That's why no one is willing to pay up."

The other adventurer explained as he pointed at another middle-aged guy who was wearing clothes that merchants would usually have.

Many of the other adventurers were also beginning to grow impatient as the merchant blocking the entrance refused to let anyone come inside without paying the toll.

"I was the one who found and sent the information about this dungeon, so all of the ownership of this place automatically belongs to me. So unless you want to enter, you have to pay up." The merchant announced once again to the new adventurers who had just arrived.

"You old fuck! Who do you think you are?!"

"That's right! Move out of there before we use force on your ugly face!"

"Move out of there!!"

"We won't pay you a single thing!"


"Get rid of him!!!!"

As many of the adventurers clenched their teeth in rage at this absurdity, the merchant realized that nothing would be resolved. However, he knew that something like this would happen, which is why, with a snap of his finger, two tall figures suddenly walked on both of his sides and crossed their arms, showing that they weren't going to allow anyone to enter or touch the merchant.

"Tck, tck. I'd like to see you all try." The merchant clicked his tongue while waving his index finger in denial at the angry group of adventurers.

All of the adventurers also knew that those two tall guys who were covered with scars were no laughing matter. They also had collars on their necks, which indicated that if the merchant wanted, they would be fighting to the death.

No one was dumb enough to throw their lives away with two battle slaves who had no will of their own.

"You bastard!"

One certain adventurer cursed under his breath as many of the other people around him suddenly became much quieter, scared that one of the tall and scary-looking slaves would attack. Fighting or raising his voice on his own was going to be nothing more than a target for himself, which is why he bit his own thumb in frustration.

While all of the other adventurers were talking with one another about what they were going to do next, a certain girl wearing a small cloak over her head slowly made her way to the front until she was facing the merchant. The merchant quickly showed perplexed reactions at the girl.


"Who is that kid?"

"Do we know her?"

"What is she doing?"

"Does she have a death wish?"

However, before the merchant could say anything to the strange girl in front of him, the girl moved her arm and gave the merchant one gold coin in his hand.

The merchant was left confused for a second, but the next moment, a smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you for your patronage, little girl. You may enter."

The merchant said as he raised one of his arms, ordering his battle slaves to move out of the way from the entrance of the dungeon.

Once Aya entered the dungeon, the rest of the adventurers who refused to pay the toll fee were left with widened eyes.

"She just…"


"No way…."