A new kind of beginning? (P.3) - Chapter 13

The trip back felt faster to Aya, not only because they had finished their business but also because she felt as if a huge burden inside her lungs was free from the toxic-like smell.

However, her body tensed up once again the moment she noticed that Hiroki was still walking by her side, unaware that they were slowly approaching the gate of the town. 

Aya was aware that Hiroki knew what he was doing, but still, she was scared that the worst could happen at any time. Hiroki had created, with his imitation, a dark cloak like hers, to create an illusion that covered his white hair. But, she still felt worried.

She clenched her fists and prayed in her mind that everything would go smoothly.

Upon reaching the gate, where two guards would usually guard the place, they crossed their spears like usual before saying the same kind of sentence.

"State your intentions for entering this town."

However, this time both of the guards had a slightly confused look on their faces while looking at the unusual duo.

Right in front of them were Aya, and Hiroki by his side, wearing almost identical clothing and a dark cloak that covered most of their bodies and hair. However, if someone would look closely at them, they could spot the white hair of the two.

"I'm an adventurer in this town." 

Aya softly spoke before giving one of the guards her card as an adventurer. 

The guard seemed to recognize the name and figure on the card. That's why he gave the card back before turning his gaze to the taller figure with similar clothing. 

"May I see some sort of identification card?" 

The guard inquired about the slightly suspicious guy, who had hidden his face and hair with his cloak.

"Ah, I'm sorry, but I don't have any identification cards with me. I am a wandering merchant, and I happened to get robbed of all my belongings and my identification card."

And as he said that, Hiroki slightly raised his head and revealed a wry smile on his face while trying to act like a victim who couldn't even protect himself. But at that moment, the guard noticed the white hair and deep red eyes of the individual, who seemed to be hiding them on purpose.

".....that look….." 

The guard softly said before his attention was once again shifted by the girl, who had not entered the gate yet.

"What he said is true. I happened to meet him on my way back here, and he seemed lost after he was assaulted by a group of weird robbers." Aya tried to back Hiroki up.

"I see…."

The guard rubbed his chin in thought, as if he were trying to think of something. He did feel worried, however, he tried his best to remain calm.

"Did those robbers perhaps have any sort of description?" The other guard asked.

"My memory is a bit fuzzy since I was really scared at that time. But if I remember correctly, they were wearing wolf heads to hide themselves and attack from any hidden spot." Hiroki explained with a smile on his face.

"You might've encountered the wanted bandits that call themselves, 'The thieving wolves'" The guard said. "However, I must ask you one last question before heading inside…"

The guard's eyes narrowed as he looked closely at Hiroki's appearance.

"Are you…. a demon?" The guard asked, his hand slightly trembling at the thought of getting an answer back.

There was a slight silence from everyone, including the worried-looking Aya, who was thinking that they were busted. 

Aya was already seen as a normal human, and she was recognized by the guards. That's why she wasn't considered an immediate threat but simply an unfortunate event. 

But Hiroki, on the other hand, had red eyes and pale white hair, to the point where he seemed closest to a description of a demon. The guards getting worried and scared at this unusual sight was something that was normal for people who hadn't heard of demons for hundreds of years.

"Ah, I'm sorry if I've startled you." Hiroki apologized before pulling down his hoodie and revealing his white hair and pale white skin, combined with his sharp red eyes.

Both of the guards were startled by this revelation to the point where they clenched their spears in fright. 

However, none dared intimidate the guy in front of them in case he was really a demon. They both knew that demons in the past were terrifyingly powerful beings. None of them would be able to stand against.

"I'm not a demon, nor am I related to demons. My hair became like this due to a curse while I was researching for new products that were related to my merchandise." 

Hiroki explained to the tensed guards.

"The curse doesn't affect anyone else. However, it still brings me trouble while I travel around the world in order to find a cure. I hope that both of you understand my situation. That adventurer over there is proof of that."

What Hiroki was saying made some sense. However, they still felt like something was missing. The guards couldn't tell whether Hiroki was lying because he was way too comfortable while speaking, and he didn't seem the slightest bit worried. 

What should they do? Do they report this? FIght this demon in disguise and alarm everyone? Those were the thoughts going through their heads in those few seconds.

"What he's stating is the truth." 

However, in the next second, both of the guards looked to their sides to see who had said that. 

It was a tall knight in a red uniform who had a soft expression on his face. Both of the guards knew this knight very well. That's why they tensed up before saluting him.

"S-sir Ryosaki! We didn't know you were here." One of the guards deepened his voice and straightened his back to show respect.

"I'm preparing to leave this town; that's why. Also, there's no need to be this tense when I'm around. I'm just another swordsman like anyone else." The knight smiled as he saw the excited guards give him this much respect.

"Not at all, Sir! You are the figure of strength in our kingdom. This is the least we can do."

"That's right! We cannot lower your title like that!"

Both of the guards responded to the kind knight. However, after a few more seconds of breathing, they all turned back to Hiroki.

"Sir, what should we do with him? He has no identification cards or proof of not being a demon. Can we really trust him?" One of the guards asked.

"I have been blessed with the ability to spot any monsters or spies and even sense when someone is lying. That's why I'm confident in saying that this man here is innocent," the knight responded with a soft smile on his face. "He seems to have been affected by something unfortunate, much like Miss Aya and myself."

"If Sir Ryosaki says so, it would certainly lift a huge burden from us." One of the guards said as he bowed.

"You're welcome." The knight replied.

With the misunderstanding cleared up, Hiroki and Aya walked ahead of the knight to thank him for his help.

"I appreciate what you've done for a complete stranger like me." Hiroki thanked him with the same kind of fake smile on his face.

"No, I'm glad that I could help out. There's no need to thank me. I'm simply doing my duty as a knight."

Hiroki narrowed his eyes for a bit before walking inside the town in order not to bother the guards while they did their job. Even Aya was right by Hiroki's side in case something happened. 

After noticing that Aya was standing close to Hiroki, the knight followed to ask something before everyone would walk to their own stuff. Both Hiroki and Aya noticed him, which is why they waited to see what he wanted.

"Miss Aya, I'm sure that you were informed of the tournament that will be held in Holl Town. If you want, I have arranged a carriage that will send us there today."

After a moment of silence, Aya looked straight into the knight's face with an expressionless face.

"I appreciate your offer, but I cannot go with you. I still have some work to do in the guild."

"If that's so, then the next time we'll be meeting is when the tournament will be held. However, please do not hesitate to come into contact with me. I would very gladly be happy to welcome you to my residence." 

The knight spoke before his gaze shifted towards Hiroki.


Hiroki had already covered his hair with his fake cloak. The knight understood the reason behind such measurements, which is why he didn't inquire about his unfortunate situation.

"I think I didn't catch your name." The knight showed a smile as he asked Hiroki.

"Hiroki. You can call me Hiroki." Hiroki responded with a hint in his voice that showed no interest in this conversation.

"Very well. Then, Hiroki. It was nice meeting you." The knight softly smiled. "And I hope that you find a cure for your curse as well."

"I appreciate it." Hiroki blankly responded.

"Then, if you'll excuse me. I think my carriage just arrived." The knight said before going towards a carriage that stopped on his side.

And so, both Hiroki and Aya watched as Ryosaki got on a fancy-looking carriage before heading out of town. 

While Aya seemed a bit relieved that both of them made it inside the town, Hiroki seemed very quiet as his gaze didn't separate the carriage, which moved away…

Hiroki had come to several conclusions before thinking to himself with a rather stern expression. 

'....I can't appraise his status….' 

That was the single thing that remained in his mind.