A unique meeting (P.2) - Chapter 14

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Morning had arrived, and Aya was already up, following her usual routine with practiced ease. However, as she looked around the empty room, she realized that something was amiss. 

Hiroki was nowhere to be seen, and the silence of the morning only served to amplify her unease. 

Without wasting any time, she changed into a fresh set of clothes and made her way down to the basement, where she suspected he might be. And as she descended the stairs, she could hear the faint sounds of activity, confirming her suspicions. 

Hiroki was still working on his latest project, an energy drink of his own design.

She watched as he meticulously filled several glass containers with the concoction, the liquid swirling like a potion in a fantasy tale. However, in contrast to the horrible odor that nearly poisoned her lungs, she now noticed a pleasant fragrance of freshness in the room that completely woke her up.

"Hiroki….?" She called out, her eyes curious to know how Hiroki's progress had gone.

"Aya, you're already awake. If you're ready, then we have to head to the merchant's guild so I can register. I'm gonna need your dimensional storage as well since we can't really keep this many potions in two bags." 

Hiroki responded, his eyes still focused on the last glasses of potions that were slowly filling up with yellowish liquids.

She took a look around the basement, which was previously dusty and filthy, and found that there were hundreds of potions scattered about, all filled and contained so they wouldn't spill in a nice new clean ambient.

Aya knew that Hiroki was rather engrossed in this merchant thing, which is why she did as she was told and stored all of the energy drinks that were prepared by Hiroki. And after they were done preparing all of their stuff, both Hiroki and Aya walked out of the house in order to head to the merchant's guild.

They also didn't forget to wear their usual cloak to hide their hair. They knew that unnecessary attention was going to be rather troubling. 

But that didn't seem to be troubling Hiroki at all, even though he was going to register as a merchant.

The merchant's guild was a few meters away from where the center of this town was. Therefore, it didn't take that long before both of them finally arrived at their destination. 

The merchant's building was rather similar to the adventurers' one. However, if Hiroki had to compare them, this one was a lot fancier in design.

Soon after Hiroki and Aya entered the merchant's building, they were met with an almost empty environment. There were a few staff members that were scribbling on their documents, but even so, this place felt murky as if everyone had already lost their motivation to work. 

Upon arriving at the main desk, where the receptionist was working on her own documents, she looked up and saw two individuals wearing dark cloaks had entered the building. 

From their perspective, they did look like mercenaries, which is why her expression did not change. But despite that, she was still a receptionist, and she must greet anyone with a professional manner.

"Welcome to the merchant's association. What can I help you with today?" The receptionist greeted with an emotionless look on her face.

"I'd like to register as a merchant." 

Hiroki answered as he came a little closer to the desk. He knew that he was going to be a little suspicious with the cloak covering his hair, so he tried acting as respectfully as possible.

The receptionist was a bit apprehensive about this duo of cloaked individuals before continuing the procedure with the request that Hiroki had.

"Registering as a merchant is a job where a form of education is a requirement. And based on our rules, you must first complete a basic test. I hope you're aware of that?" 

"Of course."

The woman closed her eyes for a moment, waiting for the guy in a dark cloak to give up. However, even though Hiroki was respectful and confident in his response, the receptionist wasn't sure how to drive away this mercenary-looking guy. 

He does seem interested in becoming a merchant. However, becoming a merchant requires skills that not everyone possesses. 

Her job as a receptionist was to explain and proceed with the process, but she still wanted to avoid any trouble that this mercenary-looking guy could cause in the future.

'This town is already declining in new merchants….. Having a new guy like him will surely help our situation..' The receptionist thought in her head. 'However, he doesn't seem the type to understand what it takes to become a merchant….'

Hiroki, after noticing the doubtful look on the receptionist's face, gave a small sigh before continuing to softly smile.

"I can see that you are doubting me due to my looks. However, I want to mention that I already am kinda of a merchant—"

The receptionist gave Hiroki a suspicious yet confused stare as he continued to explain his situation.

"—But due to an unfortunate event, all of my belongings, products, clothes, and identification cards were stolen by 'The Thieving Wolves' while I was on the way to this town. That's why I am trying to get a new license and start fresh."

The receptionist looked at Hiroki with a stern expression before softly closing her eyes in thought. 

"If that's the case, then I can help you apply for a new license in our guild. But you still must take our exam to evaluate your knowledge. And in the end, you must proceed to a meeting with our guild master to give the final decision."

"That's fine by me."

After Hiroki gave his confirmation about reapplying for his merchant license, the receptionist pulled out two papers and gave them to Hiroki. 

Hiroki, of course, since he couldn't really touch anything, pretended to grab the papers by hand, but in reality he was using his skill 'Mind's Force' to levitate them, giving the illusion he was actually holding them like a human being. 

Even Aya, who was watching, was impressed and amazed at how smoothly her benefactor was performing it.

"Please fill out your personal information on the first page, and the exam on the second page. You have time to finish them by the time the sun reaches its peak. So please don't make any mistakes." 

The woman instructed, her eyes still unimpressed by this new guy's obstinacy.

"Thank you."

And as soon as the rules were confirmed, Hiroki sat down near an empty desk with Aya by his side before carefully filling out his details on the paper while still using 'Mind's Force'. 

Hiroki had his legs crossed with one another, while moving his hands in a professional way that matched the rhythm of his moving pen.

"I'm amazed…. I had no idea you could read and write..." Aya said in awe while looking at the fancy way Hiroki was writing.

"It's not that hard once you know the symbols you're writing. If anything, this written language is much easier than the ones I know." Hiroki gave a soft smile. 

Aya gave an amazed look at Hiroki after hearing his story of how he knew how to read and write. However, what he said about knowing more than one written language made her suspicious.

"Is something wrong?" Hiroki asked after sensing the perplexed look on Aya's face.



 "....There are no other languages besides the common one…"

Hiroki, who was already done writing his personal information, suddenly stopped as he looked at Aya with a stern expression on his face.

'That should be impossible… A world that only has one written and spoken language?' 

He debated in his head. 

'I still haven't found a map of this world to figure out how big it actually is… But if what Aya is stating is true, then that either means this world is tiny…. Or someone has influenced the world so much that no other spoken languages are known anymore. But even so, there should have been at least some legends or information about ancient languages. Did someone from my world do this after they were summoned? They do speak the same language as my world with the exception of the written alphabet…. So how come?'