Hansel stared into space with a blank gaze while he faint into his seat after Delia had left. A gloomy, roguish wrath lingered in his eyes–a sudden silence engulfed him inside out as his mind travelled back to his children, Marvin and Ben. He would go any length to make sure they were happy but Marvin's decision on his dream for him wasn't just an easy one for him to accept without his stubborn objection ; little did he know that– that was going to be his son's death trap.

The thought of loosing Ben as well to Delia wasn't sinking down so well for him. The alarm bells in his head kept sounding.

"No, can't let her take my son away– I must stop her no matter what." On an impulse, he grabbed his phone from the desk and dialed an unknown contact. He leaned back in the chair as the line kept ringing.

"Hello, boss" a hoarse voice answered from the receiver's end.

" Foil, I got a job for you– I want you to get rid of Delia" He emphasized.

"Delia?; your ex wife?" He asked, not certain he got the right info.

"Yes, she just left my office –Make sure she doesn't get to her destination alive" He ascertained.

"Well copied " He eluded and Hansel added "Make sure you leave no traces " He warned, followed by a beep sound which dropped the line.


Amy was in the sofa, her short legs stretched in front of her. Her hands were stretched out and she was staring with glazed eyes at the photograph on the opposite wall. As had become her habit over the months, following Laura's incident. Her sense of foreboding increased and her thoughts continued to torment her as the days progressed into months.

The voice in her head kept accusing her of her daughter's incident. " If you had gone for her that day– this wouldn't had happened to Laura." It had echoed every passing minute.

Kelvin sped down the stairs in rush with rapid breath; a sense of fear and panic spread over his face as he neared his mother

"Mum?– Mum" He kept calling but the dead silence in the hall spontaneously replied along with the tapping sound his feet made down the stairs.

"Mum– Mya....." Kelvin stuttered when he neared her. At the mention of Mya, Amy sprang out of her seat and was suddenly very alive. "What happened to Mya?" She cried with a pale gaze, her eyes darted.

" I heard she's still on Laura's case– " He said and as if on a sudden impulse, he quickly added. "She's still investigating into the matter; that's the reason behind her working at the school and the recent accident."

Amy's face instinctively flushed with fear– She spontaneously sensed trouble looming ahead.

"What's wrong with her?" Her voice shook with strong emotions. "Does she what to get herself killed just like her sister!" Amy roared and Kelvin saw tears trick down her face. "Shouldn't she leave this for the police to handle?" She stuttered amidst tears. Her numb limbs couldn't help but faint into the sofa. At this outburst, Kelvin could not help but join the funeral; his heart burst with sorrow.

He instinctively hugged her ; his simple gesture appeared to have opened a stop valve somewhere deep inside Amy because the sobs began to rack her hourglass frame. Just then, Mya walked in– She stared with confused gaze.

"What's going here?" She asked, her eyes swiftly moved from Kelvin to Amy. " Is everything okay?"

"How can things be okay when you keep doing this?" Amy cried on an impulse.

"Doing what– mother?" She went on with a furrowed brow. Amy glazed at her face with teary eyes; She instinctively sprung to her feet to which Kelvin stood along with her– his hands draped around her elbow.

"Why are you still stubbornly holding on unto Laura's case at the school? – Can't you just leave things the way it is now!; Haven't we had enough?" Amy yelled, her voice trembling with sobs.

"No, mum– how can I ?" She exclaimed, determined not to be put down. "This is what I want to do and I'll do it no matter what, mum– Not even you, can stop me!" She barked, her eyes darted in tears.

" Mya?" Amy's voice shook in sobs while her body trembled.

"Enough, Mya" Kelvin shouted. "Mum had already had enough from you" He cried and turned to Amy who was by herself, broken in sorrow – her grief tricked down her tears. Mya tilted her head as the tears she fought back, streamed down her cheeks. With a swift glance away, she stormed off to her room.

"Is alright mum" She heard Kelvin's voice console as she retired into her room.


It was already past closing hour when Rubin and Laura exited from Mr Rowan's office with Ben close at their heels. He rudely shoved Rubin off his path with a glare and sauntered off– Laura's wolfish glare instantly travelled after him. She clenched her teeth and set her jaw stubbornly.

"Aish– he kinda always light up my wrath when I see him; I just feel like strangling him to death."

The stern look on her face frightened him but he found it kind of funny and cute as well. He secretly smiled to himself– clearing his throat, he held her by the elbow and pulled her along.

"Not now, Lau–" He lamented while he led the way out. " I'm really famished now– Let's go home."

She tried to slouch but he dragged her along before she could do anything.


The night was still young and the atmosphere was quiet frosty but the cold wasn't so devastating. Delia drove along the by-pass to avoid the evening traffic. She appeared exhausted and drained of all energy as her mind kept brooding over Ben's attitude earlier when she had met him.

"I hate you " His last words echoed in her subconscious mind. She sighed, gloom spread over her face as she embraced herself in a consoling manner. "Is well, Del– you'll be fine " She told herself.

Soon, she noticed her house a few meters away; She spontaneously horned the car just when she got near and the gate rolled open. Delia pulled over at the parking lodge; She instinctively pushed the door open and swung her legs out of the car as she picked up her bag and other things. She got off the car and trod into the mansion.

It was quiet dark inside since the lights were out and the rest of the family were not yet home – She on the other hand wasn't a lady known for house helps and maids. Just when she hobbled over to the kitchen, she noticed a shadow flash past the hall; her pulse ramped up and this alerted her. She peered about, wide-eyed while her eyes take on a hunted look.

"Who is there?" She shouted but was replied with silence.