7 memories

Flames, electricity and explosions resounded in the starry sky, two distinct beams flew out of the flames colliding with each other, one was gleaming blue and crackling with lightning and thunder being its taillights while the other was golden and hot, their collision causing more explosions and destruction, asteroids and unlucky moons in their path were completely destroyed, suddenly the sounds and light stopped to reveal two figures, one was a handsome blond youth like figure with golden eyes and hideous scorch marks and puncture wounds littered his sculpted figure, golden blood dripped from him like a stream staining the remaining flimsy pieces of his golden armor that covered his body and his golden sword that seemed to be made of light was stained with golden blood too, it was unknown whether it was from him or his opponent, although he was badly wounded it did nothing to diminish the aura of arrogance and playfullness that lingered around him giving off the feeling that everything was just a game to him, the other was a white haired middle aged man that seemed to embody the very essence of the phrase 'aged to perfection' and gave off a regal aura, he held a weird metal spear like weapon shaped like a thunderbolt giving off sparks and crackles as lightning and thunder was seen snaking around it, the white haired figure had the same golden blood slipping out of his lips and there was an alarming slash wound that went over his shoulder to his waist vaguely one could see the crystalline rib bones underneath, there was no blood because the area of the wound had been burnt evaporating any blood moving to the area.

"I did not expect it would be you in the end to betray me Apollo."

The middle aged man said before coughing violently, the golden haired figure smirked with a hint of playfulness in his tone

"don't tell me you haven't noticed it already Zeus, GAIA is starting to hibernate the activity of the universe is reducing its entropy we need to reduce our dimensions or we won't even have qualifications for survival or resurrection later. The laws of the universe aren't in our favor anymore. Other God domains have already started doing so, we need to join to secure a favorable position."

"*cough* It's that what Prometheus told you Apollo, you always were smart but sometimes the boundary between truth and lies are not so clear cut." Zeus said with a hint of mockery and pity in his tone.

Apollo hearing Zeus words couldn't help but become panicked he didn't expect Zeus to know his biggest secret, he couldn't but start felling something was wrong, something seemed to be wrong with his plan, before Apollo had a chance to ask Zeus what he meant he suddenly found that he couldn't move and suddenly the golden blade that he had inherited from Prometheus and Apollo regarded as his best treasure and most prized possession suddenly turned into flames engulfing him.

Zeus watching this scene had no fluctuations in his eyes and just clenched his spear tighter awaiting the figure that came out of the flaming cocoon.

A muscular bronze toned figure stepped out of the flames, the figure had short brown hair and an average face his only redeeming feature was his eyes which seemed to glow with endless wisdom.

"I didn't expect you left some means on Apollo I thought we had gotten rid of you for good Prometheus, why can't you just let it go, give me a few more years and I would be able to make our civilization detach, so why must you destroy our glorious civilization why must our hard work and sweat of countless millennia be destroyed tell me why Olympus must fall."

Zeus yelled with anger and spite in his eyes. Zeus looked at the figure he had once called friend they had created a multidimensional empire from the scratch from humble mortals to now high dimensional beings, they had fought countless battles and saved each other's life's countless of times and suddenly one day his best friend betrayed him and the empire they both built he stole the accumulation of all their technology and destroyed it leaving them crippled and vulnerable to attack from others.

"we were heading toward destruction Zeus, sooner or later we would have been destroyed by a new batch of ascending powerhouses just like the way we destroyed the titans, Olympus was taking too much essence from the lower dimensions, we had destroyed more than a million lower planes trying to ensure Olympus lasts forever it was too much. if we continue this way GAIA will wipe out all or traces the same way it gave us opportunities to destroy the titans."

Zeus wasn't going to hear any of it, ignoring his injuries he summoned countless lightning from the void compressing it into a point on his spear and stabbing it out. The attack shook space itself wherever the spear passed the space collapsed and returned to chaos, Prometheus watched the shattering attack come his way and sent a punch towards the spear. Suddenly reality collapsed and mike awoke from his dreams with a gasp