Maddison Street

In 20minutes i was already approaching Maddison street, i could now hear the chanting i heard on the radio now in an increasing frequency, i couldn't really makeout any words from the noise straining my ears as hard as i possibly could. I know  i should be worried that such noise like that of a Beyonce's concert was coming from my house--but no, i was anxious and curious to know what was going on.

The Streets of Maddison was pretty flooded like it normally is during the raining season so things are corresponding with my normal life around these path. The aura i was feeling around me wasn't a good one but it was calmer and reassuring. This was a perfect example of  "The Calm before the Storm" situation. My car was now packed facing my 3 storiey apartment, i unlocked the doors and opened the front door as quiet and as noiseless as i possibly could, putting my feet out and stepping into a puddle of water which made a loud sound in my books *it wouldn't sound that loud on a normal day--well there is nothing normal about today*. After stepping out of the car i closed the door behind me trying not to make a bang, i was not sure the door closed because i was too preoccupied with my thoughts at the moment.

I reached out to the gate in a single slight push expecting it to fling open but it didn't __ this time i attempted a stronger push but it still refused to open. "Oh yeah the gates are usually closed by this time of the morning", i was starting to get surprised by the level of normality here. "Damn it"--i murmured , i left my keys, not that i left my keys, i couldn't have possibly remembered to take my house keys when i ran out of Michael's house, i should have bundled the house keys and my car keys together as my Mum always told me. For a moment there my thoughts went to Michael and his family till i was brought back to my reality by another roar from inside the building.

I had to find i way in. Though the fences weren't too high, i could easily climb my way in. After some attempts i was in. Then another thought came to me, this thought made me scared and i knew something was very wrong. Since i came to maddison street i haven't seen a soul, even in the compound--"Nobody" and now i am heading to my apartment still "Nobody". How can i be hearing sounds of cheers and chants but i haven't seen anyone. Is it all happening inside my house? The noise sounds like that of at least Four hundred people and my house isnt big enough to contain even Thirty people. I am working down the hallway with my heart pounding like a psychopath on a drumset, my feets steady and ready to run at anytime, slowly and gently i approached my opened apartment door...

What would i find????
