Derek stood there listening to her voice mumble on and on and on, he wasn't paying much attention to what she was saying --to the answer of the question he asked. Who would? Not someone that just got chased by a gladiator-looking monster. It must have felt like David and Goliath in comparison only that in this case David ran away from Goliath. He wasn't totally absent minded though, he knew her name was Claudia, and from the weird story she was telling she is a victim of this game just like them, the only difference was that she had been in here longer than them. Snapping out of his horrific thoughts of his former incident and what could have possibly happened to him.
"How about you how did you get here and what's your name" Claudia voice sounded
"I'm Derek, and i have a very crazy story to tell you but 1st we have to escape from here"
"How have you been surviving though",Derek asked snapping his fingers in epiphany.
Claudia chuckled and gestured Derek to follow her by wiggling her index finger.
Without hesitation Derek followed her into deeper section of this cave.
To his amusement and surprise he found some sets of weapons, sure they were locally made but he hadn't felt this safe since he started living this nightmare.
"I made them myself", she murmured as Derek kept on selecting through the different weapons.
"This is amazing... What are you? James bond or should i say Claudia bond", he remarked still amused by what he found.
"Turns out I'm just quite handy and crafty"
He looked at he glancing from her head to her feet.
"You're just like 16 years old? You look barely past my age but you can already do all this"
She smiled sheepishly at his remark.
He grabbed a bow bending the strings in finesse like he was taking an arrow lesson.
"I love this one, i think i will take it", collecting the bags of arrows.
"I think we should go now",she said
"Yeah I'm ready, how about you?"
"Way ahead of you",she said flapping open her long jacket exposing the various weapons hidden in it.
They both made their way out of the cave cautiously, the Ogre was currently out of sight so the coast was seemingly clear. Then Derek asked out of nowhere
"You have been here longer so have you by chance come across any amulet?"
A wave of shocked played on her face for just a second before she said,
"Yes i have seen something like that but what is it for?"
"It can be a way to save my friends and get out of here,can you take me to where you saw it?"
Claudia nodded in agreement but she was not that calm in her thoughts,
*He isn't here alone? He has friends in here too? He has been here for like how many hours and he already knows about the amulet? He probably knows alot.
"How many of your friends are here?"
"huh? Oh, they're suppose to be five but i have only seen two of them"
"Hmm interesting", she said ending her questions.
After proceeding with caution for sometime, they started approaching a different environment. This area was lit with candles and different kind of pictures and paintings on the wall--not normal paintings ,they looked ancient, they looked like they had hidden meaning in them but Derek knew he was the type to figure out things like this, he wanted to indulge Claudia concerning this but he felt the need for silence and discretion. The atmosphere had a foul smell and also a smell of flame, Derek wasn't getting any good vibe from this place at all, buzzing of flies filled the air but he wouldn't attempt to kill them, to avoid making any noise.
"Get down", Claudia whispered with urgency in her voice
They both crouched down behind an elevated wall while an Ogre and a Jinkinniki matched past. The sight for this creatures was gross and Derek would need some getting used to before he can think of ever going up against anyone of them which seem very likely to happen anytime especially now that he had a weapon.
An Ogre and a Jinkinniki, this could only mean they are close to finding out something in this place. Just then Claudia called,
"hey Derek over here come see this"
He moved to where she was and from there he could behold the sight of a gem so beautiful and bright, but around this amulet treasure were lots of these dirty looking creatures worshipping the amulet, bowing to it with some others fight each other to get close to it.
He might or might not be ready to fight, But he had to take it.