
The room still echoed the sound of the lantern crashing to the floor, the sound was so loud that even deaf people would turn heads at the sound of it. Lena was still there sitting in her cover which would do her no good at this point, she was feeling a serious rapid movement and uneasiness in her chest as she slowly released her hands from her ear. As hard as she pressed against her ears to prevent the sound it was no good, there was noway anyone would miss that sound. She was so scared, she couldn't think—she couldn't even think of thinking. But she knew that if something wasn't done now and fast, she wouldn't see her friends again.

Meanwhile Stephan was still at the entrance of the room, watching in disbelief with his mouth wide open. He didn't know what to do but his reflex action was to run from this whole disaster. But as he tried to run away, an image of Derek flashed in his mind stopping him in his tracks.

"What is this? What I'm i doing? Was I really going to leave Lena here to these savages?, he thought looking back at Lena who was sitting hopelessly in her cover. He was ashamed to the core. He was ashamed that his body even made the attempt to run away. Even if he got away where would he go? What was he going to tell the others? Would he make up a silly story and lie to them too? No, he could never live with himself if he did that.

With the little conversation with himself he went back to the entrance of the room still debating with himself.

"Ok now in this situation, what would Derek do?"

"Of course he would run in there like a brainless animal without a plan, but I can't do that"

"But i have to figure out a way to save Lena", he thought as his eyes caught a glimpse of the fuel pouring out of the shattered lantern.

His eyes lit up.

He looked at Lena again and then he looked at the two incoming man-beast gaining in on her. He knew he didn't have much time but he had to formulate a quick plan right here.

He kept on looking around, this time he was assessing the initial box where Lena hid herself when she first entered the room. After the brief assessment he saw what looked like a gas cylinder. It was all adding up to his little genius plan.

"Now it's time for me to take over this narrative", he said with a quite evil looking smirk on his face as if he was talking to whoever is playing this sick game with them.

Stephan then sneaked into the room quietly, crouching under the box, assuming the same position Lena did when she first entered the room.

Lena turned facing sideways when she saw Stephan, she felt relieved that she wasn't in this alone, in the midst of the fear she had forgotten she had a partner Stephan. She wanted to say—

"Shhhh", Stephan gestured to her with a finger on his lips.

Lena sat back quietly but a little perplexed, she thought Stephan probably have a plan, she just have to trust him now.

Stephan reached to the corner of his box, grabbing the gas cylinder he saw previously on one hand and gripping Derek's knife tight on the other hand. Now the beasts are really getting closer to the broken lantern and closer to Lena. It was at this moment Stephan made a straight run towards Lena, sliding on the ground and scratching knife along it's path causing sparks and eventually torching the fuel into a flame of fire barricading Lena's cover which both of them now hide in.

Stephan could see the surprise in Lena's eyes, he just might have really impressed her.

One of the man-beast tried to forcefully pass through the fire but the fire caught the hairs all over it's body throwing it into a frenzy.

"Wow, this is pretty amazing Steph, how do we get out of here?"

"Oh i see she got a cute nickname for me now", he thought inwardly but blushed outwardly


"Oh yeah, i still have something up my sleeve, how about you? did you find anything?"

"Yes, look over there, that light reflecting through the glass is a moonlight, that's very much likely our way out", she said pointing in a slant right angled direction.

"Yeah i see it, and Lena we are going to make a run for it on my mark, this little distraction would not hold on much longer"

"Are you ready?"

"Sure", she replied with a deep breath

Stephan picked up the gas cylinder and hauled it towards the beast in front of the fire in front of them causing them to be further distracted.


Stephan and Lena ran and ran as fast as their legs could carry them, with the other creatures now trying to chase after them but it was too late, the gas cylinder went up in violent flames as well as some other inflammable boxes causing the whole room to go into a grand explosion as Stephan and Lena both broke out of the glass window escaping into the moonlight.