I only have eyes for you

Zee was able to come home the next afternoon. His eyes still bothered him but otherwise he was fine. Saint went to class and he had to work at the Café that evening so Becka came over to stay with Zee. That evening Saint asked Janis to stop by the Café for a few minutes. He needed to talk to her.

Janis and Saint had been friends since high school. She was a year ahead of him and she was studying psychology. She was the most beautiful person, inside and out. You could always count on her for a straight up answer. She arrived at the café around 9:00, hugged him and sat down at a table by the window. "Just give me a few minutes, ok, it's almost quitting time for me." She smiled and he went to assist a customer who wanted to pay their bill. Then headed to the back to clock out and ordered then a couple cups of coffee. He picked up the coffee and went and sat down next to her.

She knew all about him and Zee. She knew about their history. How they met and how Saint fell in love at first sight with him and the struggles they were going through now after Zee's accident. They would meet at the Cafeteria between classes just to catch up. She gave him one of her Ok, spill it looks. He grinned and laughed. She knew him so well.

He wanted advice on what could be preventing Zee from regaining his sight. He explained that the doctors recommended therapy, but he refused. "He doesn't sleep well. He tosses and turns. I think he sometimes has nightmares, but he won't tell me about them when I ask. Sometimes I will wake up from his moving around and I can see him staring at the ceiling. I haven't said anything, but I am so worried. I love him, Janis, and I don't care if he can see or not. But I just want to help him." He sighed and picked up his coffee. Janis looked at him for a moment. He could see the wheels turning in her mind. "Has he spoken about the accident?"

Saint took a drink of his coffee. He looked up at her. She could see the anguish in his eyes. "No, not a word." She thought for a second and said "He really should see a psychologist. I think he needs to address his feeling about the accident. The fears he may still have could possibly be preventing him from seeing. That's just my opinion, I am not a doctor yet." She gave Saint a gentle smile and reached over to grab his hand.

"My advice would be to talk to him. Try to get him to open up to you." She looked at him worriedly. "I am not saying it will be easy, because it won't. If what I think is true, he is suppressing those emotions for a reason and when they come out it will be like a bomb exploded. I really wish he would see someone, Saint, a professional. I am not sure you will be able to handle it without help."

They sat for a while in silence and then Janis asked if he was ready to go and they left the café and headed toward Janis' dorm. As they walked, Janis gave him some advice on how to approach Zee. She took a piece of paper and a pen out of her purse and began to right down some information and then handed it to Saint. "This is my professors name and number. I will tell him tomorrow about Zee's situation, if you don't mind? I promise I will not tell him your names or anything like that. Just the situation. OK? she asked. Saint told her thanks and that he would appreciate any help. They arrived at the gate that led into her dorm and hugged. "I will call you tomorrow after I talk to the professor. I wish I could be more help, Sweetie." He grinned at her "You are a great help as always, Sugar plum." Janis started giggling and went through the gate waving goodbye to him.

Saint took a detour and stopped at his dorm to talk to Tommy and Jimmy for a while. It seemed like forever since he had seen them. He took out his key and unlocked the door and went inside. "What's for dinner?' He yelled. He grinned when Jimmy jumped about three feet off the sofa and Tommy screamed "What the hell, Saint." While grabbing his chest. "You scared the crap out of me." Saint started laughing. "Sorry guys, I thought you heard me come in." He lied. Still laughing he went over and flopped down on the chair. Tommy told him to go into the kitchen that dinner was still on the stove and to help himself. He filled up a plate and went back to the living room. While he ate, he filled them in on what had been happening lately. He didn't go into much detail regarding Zee because he felt that somethings were between just the two of them. Janis being the exception because he needed her advice.

Saint felt good just to hang out with the guys. He was trying to get his head wrapped around helping Zee overcome the emotional demons he was facing. Saint was scared. But he knew he had to try to help him. Zee was scared too. Saint could feel the emotions coming from him. The apprehension when he heard an unexpected loud bang from the TV or horn outside. There were only two choices in Saints mind. Live with fear and stay blind. Conquer the Fear and see again. At least he hoped so. It had better odds. If it was a physical condition it most likely meant his blindness was permanent. But if it is an emotional condition then he may be able to see again.

With those thoughts going through his mind, Saint started for home. He stopped in his tracks for a minute. At what point did he start calling Zee's home his. He smiled to himself then continued home. He arrived at the house and notice Becka's car was not in the driveway. He pulled out his keys and entered the house. "Zee" he called. No answer. He checked the kitchen and the living room. No Zee. He went into Zee's bedroom and checked the bathroom. Nothing. He was starting to panic. He opened the door to his room and saw him sitting on his bed. He started walking toward him and at the same time asking, "Zee, why didn't you answer when I called? Where is Becka? Are you ok?"

Zee lifted his head and Saint saw the tears on his cheeks. "Where have you been? You should have been home hours ago. I sent Becka home because I knew you would be home after your shift." Saint got down on his knees in front of Zee and wrapped his arms around his hips. "I am so sorry, Zee. Janis came to see me at the Café, and we talked for awhile and on my way here I stopped at the dorm and visited Tommy and Jimmy for a while. I didn't know you were waiting for me." Saint stopped talking when he felt Zee's hands come up and grasp his shoulders. He leaned down and placed a kiss on Saints forehead. Saint got up on his knees and reached for Zee. He stood up and gently pushed him back on the bed. They crawled up and laid their heads on the pillows at the top of the bed facing each other. Zee pulled Saint to him and hugged him tightly. They stayed like that not moving for quit some time. Suddenly Saint reached down and pulled Zee's shirt off. He saw a little smile appear on Zee's face. He started kissing his cheek and then his neck and moved back up and placed his lips against his and sucked his bottom lip. He heard Zee moan and smiled. "You like this, Huh? Do you want more?" Despite Zee being sightless, Saint could see the passion in his lovers' eyes. "I know you do." Saint smirked and proceeded to show him.