The Awakening

Zee was in the hospital for another two days. After several tests were completed, the doctor informed them that he could go home. But he wanted Zee to leave the dressing on his eyes for another week. He explained that he wanted to make sure his eyes had time to heal from the impact of the desk. The bruising had been significant.

Saint hovered over Zee the rest of the day. They ordered in for dinner and cuddled on the sofa. Saint was describing the scenes on the screen again while Zee was just laughing and shaking his head. Becka came over the next day so Saint could go to class and he had to play tonight for The Jazz Place, so she was going to stay.

When Saint was getting ready to leave for the evening, Zee came up behind him and laid his chin on his shoulder. "You smell nice." Saint looked at him for a second and frowned, "What's wrong, Zee?" He sighed and said, "It's not that I don't trust YOU. I just don't trust other people. Who wouldn't love you, you are perfect." He huffed. "I am gonna send Mew and Gulf with you!" Saint laughed, turned around and hugged him. "I am far from perfect and I wouldn't mind if they go tonight, but you are the only person I want and you know that, right?" Zee grumbled for a minute and leaned over for a kiss. "I know but I still don't like people staring at you." Saint laughed and then said, "Wait, I have a great Idea...…."

Next thing Zee knew he was sitting at a table with Gulf and Mew at The Jazz place. He had a drink, non-alcoholic as he was still on some medication, but a drink none the less. The MC introduced the Band and the members and a special introduction for Saint. They received a round of applause and began to play their first session. Mew and Gulf were talking, well arguing really, Zee thought. He smiled because he realized how much he had missed just hanging out with them.

As he sat there listening, his mind took him back to the night he met Saint. He can still see him in his mind's eye. He can see his smile and hear him laugh. His beautiful face as it had stared at him intently when he first introduced himself. When he smiled at him as he played the piano. The way his heartbeat went crazy just by looking at him. He had felt so shy when Saint had sat down at their table. All the memories of the few months before the accident came rushing in. The laughter and loving. Zee finally realized what Saint meant. The eyes are useless, if the mind is blind. It didn't matter that he couldn't see. Saint was in his mind and his heart. That was all that mattered. Even if he never regained his sight, Saint would love him unconditionally. That is what love is. The good, the bad and the ugly. They could handle all of it together. Soulmates do that. He felt like he had finally woken up.

When the last session finally ended, everyone said goodnight and left for home. Saint talked the entire way home. About the music and the people that had come out to enjoy the music. He wanted Zee to be able to visualize everything that happened at the bar so that he could feel the whole experience. Saint kept glancing over at Zee as he drove home. Zee was being very quiet. "Are you ok, Zee?" he asked. He did not get a response from him, so he asked again and reached over to touch his thigh. That got his attention, "Oh yea, Love, I'm good."

When they arrived home, Saint went to shower. Zee felt his way to the kitchen as he was feeling a little hungry. When Saint entered the kitchen he teased, "Did you leave any for me? He saw Zee smile and pushed his plate toward him. Saint grabbed a piece of chicken off his plate and then pushed it back. He walked around Zee and placed a kiss on his cheek as he headed to the refrigerator for a bottle of water.

It was Zee's turn to shower. Saint locked the front door and turned off the lights and climbed into bed. He was all tucked in and his eyes were starting to droop by the time Zee made his way to the bed. He gently got in and pulled the covers up. He laid there for a few minutes then whispered, "Saint?" It took a few tries of calling his name before he responded, "What's wrong? Do you need something?"

Zee rolled over to his side facing Saint. "I need you." He said and reached for him. Saint scooted over bringing them chest to chest and intertwined their legs. Saint leaned over and placed his lips against Zees. After a few minutes Saint lifted his head up and giggled, "It's a good thing you do because I just happen to need you more." Zee raised his hand and felt for Saints face. He gently touched his forehead and ran his fingers down his cheek until he found his lips. He traced his lips with his fingertips and sighed. He placed his hand behind Saint's neck and pulled him close. Just inches separated their lips. He whispered, "My eyes are useless, but my mind is no longer blind. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Without giving Saint a chance to respond, he pulled his face to his and kissed him. He sucked on Saint's lower lip until he opened his mouth so Zee could deepen the kiss.

They passionately made love whispering the words that they both needed to hear. "I want you." "I need You." "I Love you." When they had finished loving, they laid in each other's arms. Saint had his head on Zee's chest, his fingers gently touching him. He leaned up and kissed his cheek and laid his head back down on his chest, "I want nothing more, in this world, than to spend the rest of my life with you too." Zee pulled him close and nuzzled his neck and quietly asked "Will you marry me?"