The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Saint's head tilted to the right and then to the left. He was frowning at Zee the whole time. Zee wanted to laugh but he just couldn't do that to Saint. Every way Saint moved Zee followed him with his eyes. Zee could see his eyes start to glass over, and his body started to tremble. As the tears fell Saint took a deep breath and flung himself at Zee. They both fell back on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs.

"Oh my God, YOU CAN SEE ME. How long? What happened? Why didn't you tell me?" Saint shot off what seemed like a hundred questions one right after the other. Laughing, Zee pulled him close and started to explain, "Over the last few weeks I kept seeing something. It was like a glimpse of light. It started after I hit my head at the Doctors office. Every time I had the bandage changed it seemed like the light was getting brighter. When I went in to have the final bandage removed, I told the doctor and he performed some additional tests that confirmed what I had been seeing. My sight was coming back but just a little bit at a time."

Saint stared at Zee with a hurt look. "Why didn't you tell me?" Zee pulled him close, "I was afraid it would not last. I was afraid to hope." Saint lowered his head, his lips quivering, "Do you think it would matter to me whether you can see or not?" Zee leaned down and looked up at him and smiled, "Never. I know you love me just as much as I do you. This was not about you, Love. This was about me and my fears." He pulled Saint to him and nipped on his ear knowing how it always made him giggle and it did.

"So how much can you see?" Saint asked as he pulled away. Zee smiled and placed a hand against Saints cheek, "I can see your face. Which is the only thing I wanted to see. To not be able to ever see you again was killing me. I just wanted to see your smile and to see your face light up as you played the piano. To see your nose, scrunch up when I have annoyed you. That was all I wanted." Saint smiled, leaning over he nibbled on Zee's lower lip until he opened for him. Zee groaned when Saint's tongue entered his mouth. The kiss deepened until they were breathing heavy.

They reluctantly pulled apart and smiled at each other. Saint looked at him with his bedroom eyes and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively which had Zee laughing. After a few minutes of teasing each other Zee continued to tell him that he still has an issue with distance and a slight blurriness that is constant, but the doctor feels that, over time, it will correct itself. After they talked about some other recommendations the doctor had given him, they just held each other.

Eventually Saint reached up and turned off the light and he pulled up the cover. Zee pulled him back into his arms and nuzzled his neck. "Please, let me love you?" he said in a deep and seductive voice. Saint moaned and whispered, "Say that again, please." Zee laughed. He placed his lips against Saints ear and whisper, "let me love you?" sighing Saint did just that.

The following few days were hectic. Saint had class and scheduled to work at the Café for a couple of evenings and Zee was trying to get familiar with each of his restaurant's again. Saint had read his emails to him and Zee had dictated the responses when he couldn't see, but he wanted to reread them to make sure he was up to speed. Mew came and picked him up each day. He was not ready to drive, and the doctor had not released him to do so. To be honest, he was petrified to get behind the wheel of a car again, but he knew he would have to do it sooner than later. He continued seeing his therapist to help him overcome some of the fears he still had but the nightmares had stopped.

To celebrate Zee's wonderful news, everyone was meeting up at The Jazz Place on Friday night. Saint was playing so it was the perfect time to celebrate. When Saint and Zee arrived, most everyone was already there. Mew and Gulf waved them over. Jimmy and Tommy were up at the bar getting everyone a round of drinks. Zee parents promised to come but they were not going to be for about another hour.

The band was going to start about seven, so they had time to talk for a while. Zee told them everything he had told Saint, except the more intimate parts, about how getting his eyesight back had come about. Zee's parents had finally made it and a few friends of Saints from the University, including Janis. Mew had also invited a few of the employees from all three of Zee's restaurants. It was an amazing night for Zee. As he sat back in his chair watching Saint play the piano tears started to fall. He never thought he would ever get to see him play again.

As the evening wore down, Saint finished up his last session and joined everyone. He came up behind Zee and leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I love you." He laid his chin on Zee's shoulder and wrapped his arms around him. Zee leaned his head against Saints. "I love you more." he whispered back.

Zee untangled himself from Saint and stood up. Grabbing a glass, he raised it to everyone. "I want to thank everyone who has been there for me through everything. To my parents, I love you. To my Friends, you are the best. I could not have made it without you. Turning to Saint, Zee smiled, "To the love of my life, Thank You for never giving up on me. Pulling Saint up to him and facing everyone again. "Oh, and one more thing" he said smiling, "let me introduce you to my fiancé."

Everyone started talking at once and jumped up to hug them. They had only told a few people. Zee felt the need to share this wonderful piece of news with everyone he cared about. Mrs. Panich was crying and hugging Saint. His Dad patted him on the back saying, "I am happy for you, Son." Zee hugged him back. Next thing you know the waitress was bringing everyone more drinks to celebrate. As everyone was laughing and drinking, Saint leaned his chest against Zees and said, "Well you are stuck with me now, mister." Zee reached up and placed his hands against Saint's cheeks and said in his deep and sexy voice, "I would not have it any other way." He then lowered his head and kissed the man who he would spend the rest of his life loving.