[02] Victoria Fallnaught

--- Chapter 2 ---

(Victoria PoV)

I looked around for a while before starting to sense two people.

One was giving out an intense aura of hostility while the other released an aura of...curiosity?


I turned my head to look upwards and saw two people.

One is a cute girl with pinkish silver hair and black eyes while the other is an extremely cute boy with pinkish silver hair and silver eyes.

I stared at both of them for a while before finding the girl with black hair quite familiar.

'Hm? Oh, it's that girl from a year ago. Eleanor Hendrix, the one that got 2nd place in the awakening ceremony.'

I smiled a little when I recalled on how I battled against her, spirit against spirit.

'Her's was a nine tailed fox, wasn't it? A rank 9 Normal spirit. Although, mine was better.

There are 9 different ranks of spirits. 1-9 with 1 being the weakest and 9 being the strongest. Each rank then has 3 stages. Normal, Peak and Mythical.

'No wonder she has so much hostility. After all I took al her glory...but...who is that boy?'

I shifted my attention from the girl to the boy with silver eyes. I analysed him for a few seconds before turning away.


He had a very unique smell to him, quite hard to describe. Something...calm but deadly?

I shook my head lightly and decided to tell my mom that I was visiting a 'friend' before proceeding to meet with both of them.

"Victoria. What are you doing here?"

I heard a slightly mature voice ring out to the left side of me, making me turn my head to meet the gaze of the girl.

I looked at her and smiled sarcastically while walking towards her.

"Oh? Eleanor, how does it feel like to be def-"

"Ah, are you guys friends?"

Me and Eleanor turned our heads towards the voice in sync and saw the silver eyed boy walk towards us.

"Cecil! I thought you already went to your room!"

I glanced at Eleanor for a split second before looking at the boy with curiosity.

'So his name is Cecil...'

I raised an eyebrow at him before analysing him again, seeing if I missed anything.

'He should be 12...2 years younger than us.'

"I was going to my room but I just forgot something..."

I looked the boy called Cecil in the eye and smiled.

"Hello Cecil. My name is Victoria Fallnaught, nice to meet you."

Cecil looked at me with raised eyebrows and smiled back at me.

"It seems you already know my name. Nice to meet you too, Victoria."

We then proceeded to shake each other's hand while staring at each other in the eye.

I looked at his eyes for a while before falling into a daze

"Cecil, you have to go to sleep. The awakening ceremony is going to happen tomorrow."

I quickly snapped out of my thought and looked at Cecil in surpside while the latter smiled.

"I know."

That's all he said before walking away, making my interest in him rise higher and higher.

'His aura changed slightly...'



Cecil closed his room's door slowly before falling on his bed.

'Hm...how did Victoria get obsessed with me?'

He looked up at the ceiling and played with the silver pendant hanging on his neck.

He thought for a while but came up with nothing.

'12 years and no system or cheat. I think I should give up...'

Cecil shook his head lightly and stood up from his bed.

'The Crown Prince Dallas. If I'm correct then his spirit should be a rank 9 Peak Behemoth.'

He then proceeded to hold the pendant tightly while closing his eyes.

'The original Cecil's spirit was never revealed...and neither was his backstory. The only thing I know from the game was that most of the Male Characters hated him.'

Cecil then opened his eyes and looked at the pendant with the shape of the moon.

'Silver. He has silver eyes, hair and a pendant.'

He then sighed lightly before tucking it inside of his clothes.

'I'll find out tomorrow.'


[The next day]

"Cecil, wake up! The ceremony will start in a few hours!"

Vivian could be seen shaking Cecil's shoulder lightly while the latter groaned.

"A few more minutes..."

"Do you want a spirit or not?!"

Cecil's eyes suddenly shot open, catching Vivian off guard.

"I'll put on my clothes then."

Vivian looked at Cecil for a while and shook her head lightly.

"Here, I picked out the clothes for you. You also have to put some powder on your face..."

(A/N: Fun Fact: Face Powder was actually for men and women in the olden times. Apparently, it was also used to protect people from illnesses.)

Cecil just looked at his mother and nodded.

"I'll put my clothes on first, you can do the Face Powder after."

Vivian just sighed and stood up before exiting her son's room.

"A maid will enter your room after your done to put face powder on you."

Cecil just loooked at the door for a few seconds and sighed.

'Let's do this.'


Vivian and Eleanor could be seen sitting on the sofa, waiting for Cecil to come out his room.

"Do you think he finished putting the powder and clothes on?"

Vivian looked at her daughter and was about to say something but stopped when she heard the door open.


The daughter and mother pair turned too look at Cecil with wide eyes.

"Why is this so uncomfortable."

Cecil muttered while ruffling his pinkish silver hair. His silver, moon looking eyes and cute face were accentuated by the golden clothes and red cheeks, catching everyone in a daze.

Cecil just ignored their gazes and walked slowly down the stairs while cracking his knuckles.

'Today is the day. Let's find out and see what type of spirit I have...'