I walked downstairs to my family as Alex was sleeping. I grabbed a cookie and sat down with the rest of them in the kitchen. I took a bite of the cookie.

"I want a cookie before lunch too!" Dallas exclaimed and came back with a cookie. Maddie did the same.

"I swear, we're mature.. sometimes." I laughed as I shoved the cookie in my mouth.

"Wait, since when were you mature?" Maddie jokes. I stuck my tongue out and she did the same. "Hey, Mom. Did you beat the meat yet?" Maddie smirked.

"Yes. I did beat the meat."

"Mom, you know what that means right?" I laughed as I almost choked on a cookie crumb.

"Yes, you beat the meat. To break it up."

"Well.. in Maddie's case.. and ours.. it's where men do something with their sausages." I smirked. Mom started laughing.

"Enough about beating meat. How's Alex?" Dallas spoke up.

"She has an ear infection.. and the flu.. along with a fever. I noticed she acts younger when she's sick. I love seeing that side of her. I just don't like seeing my baby sick." I sighed.

"What about last night? With you know?" Mom asked, looking at me.

"She's still scarred by it.. I hope she isn't trying to put on a brave face for me.. I hate to see her hurting. When I was finding comfortable clothes for her, I found a blade in her dresser. She hid a blade in her suitcase! My baby girl is hurting.. emotionally and physically.. I just wonder if I'm doing a good job at raising her.." I spoke quietly.

"Dems, you're doing great. Heck, you're a single mother! It's almost like one of those TV shows or those cheesy fanfiction! I swear you're doing better than a good job if it's possible. You know me, I don't lie." Maddie spoke up.

"When did my little sister become more mature than me?" I chuckled a bit.

"You're mature when you're in Mom mode. When you're not, I question your age sometimes." She said as she sprayed whipped cream in her mouth. I snatched the whipped cream from her and did the same. "Mom! Demetria took my whipped cream!" She fake pouted.

"Mom! Madison isn't sharing the whipped cream!" I did the same.

"Mine now, bitches!" Dallas came out of nowhere and snatched it. We fake pouted and sat down. Mom took a picture of us and posted it.

@diannadelagarza - When your sister steals the whipped cream 😂❤️

"Oh, yeah. Mom. Do you have any baby monitors lying around? I forget mine at our house and I might need them while we're here." I asked as I scrolled through Instagram.

"Yes, they just need batteries. I'll find them after lunch."

"Thanks, Momma!" We were eating lunch while joking around. The usual stuff in this household.

"Mommy!" I heard Alex's cries coming from upstairs.

"I'm coming, baby!" I yelled as I grabbed some children's Tylenol (which is grape because she's picky about it) and her ear drops.

"Super Demi to the rescue." I heard Dallas say as I ran upstairs.

"M-Mommy!" She cried out again. She saw me enter the room and reached her arms out.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here. You're okay." I cooed softly and held her in my arms. I gave her the Tylenol which she took without a fight, thank the Lord. "Come on. Lay down so we can do your ear drops, baby girl."

"N-No! It's going to feel weird!" She screamed and backed away.

"Alex, it'll be over in less than ten minutes. I promise. If you do it I'll make you a smoothie. Your favorite smoothie." I tried bribing her.

"C-Can you also watch Camp Rock with m-me?" She asked quietly. I always declined because I was always embarrassed to watch it, but if it's what it takes to let me do her ear drops, then I'll watch it with her.

"Yes, I will. Now lay on your stomach, baby girl." I commanded. She did so and had her infected ear laying towards the ceiling. (A/N: I had an ear infection before, I know what I'm doing.) I squeezed three drops in her ear. "You gotta stay like that for five minutes, okay?"

"Mommy, it feels weird!" She whined. I rubbed her back. Five minutes couldn't come any faster.

"Okay, baby. It's been five minutes." I say as I stand up. She held her arms out wanting to be picked up. I smiled at my fourteen-year-old not caring if she's too old to be carried. She's never too old to be carried for me. I picked her up and placed her on my hip. I carried her downstairs to the living room where everyone was.

"You see, I should've expected her to be wearing a Paramore hoodie with black pajama shorts. Considering how you said that you found her comfortable clothes to wear." Maddie stated while laughing.

"Don't forget the AC/DC T-Shirt underneath!" I stated.

"Doesn't help your case!" She sighed and facepalmed.

"I hope y'all like Camp Rock because that's what my little sick baby wants to watch with me. If you guys want to stay and watch you can." I said as I sat down on a bean bag chair in front of the couch. I placed Alex in the other one next to me and she cuddled close to me.

"What was the bribing for?" Mom asked as she knew that I had to bribe her.

"Her ear drops." I stated simply as I turned on Camp Rock. I love days like these with my family and my baby girl.