Chapter six

In a long grey dress, Elana walks to Jordan that finished loading up their luggage on the truck. The weekend passes faster when you're having the best time of your life. There's a busy week laying ahead so there's no time to sit around as the heart pleases. Their boys have to go to school so there are homework and laundry to be done. He looks at her and smiles softly. Even as they appear to be friendly, they're both aware that there's a dark side they won't like. Elana knows that just like every man, he has a temper, but she doesn't know when to expect it. He's got his desires and obsessions she knows nothing about. Jordan can't seem to picture her as an angry woman, but with the little bit he knows about her, he's aware that she has barriers. Barriers so strong, it can't be broken that fast the way she broke his. That's the magic of love. You know it's true when you've been walking a straight line alone your whole life and then all of a sudden someone wants to walk on another note with you.

"I can't believe the weekend is over already," she giggles and wipes the back of her hand over her sweaty forehead.

"The weekend did pass by quickly, but that doesn't mean it has to be over for us too," he says and winks at her. She gives him an odd look. He can't be flirting, can he? No, they simply enjoy each other's company as friends only and nothing more.

"Not over for us?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "The way you say it is giving me an idea that you want to suggest something big that I may just not be ready for."

"Knowing me, that's exactly what I was about to do, but right now I think just being here watching you trying to figure out my next move is good enough for me, " he replies. She laughs and shakes her head looking down. She wants to have a friendship with this man, but the fear of the furthest they can go throws her in a pool of blood. That's her phobia. "Can I see you again?"

"Why?" she asks and puts her hands together in front of her looking up at him. He gives her an odd look. Of all the questions, she had to ask why?

"Why else would I want to see you, Elana?" he asks. The answer has struck her off her high horse. She turns her face keeping her eyes on him. The silence grew awkward between them which eventually led up to breaking the contact. They got in the truck getting ready to face the road.

The road back home is completely different from when it was when they got to the river. The way back home felt longer, but the peaceful atmosphere between them made it a pleasure. He wasn't so curious about what she would be like to have a weekend with. They're both comfortable, but at the same time moved by what's growing inside of them.

Elana opens her curtains and looks at Jordan that puts her bag in front of her bed. He smiles at her and looks around. Her bedroom doesn't look like that of a girl. She has grey sheets and black curtains. The light going through the window lights the room up. Light gives you a picture of what is hiding in the dark. That's what Jordan does to her. He's making her see the love she's capable of having for someone that she never knew was there.

"You have a nice bedroom," he says. She goes to him and takes a seat on her bed. He watches every move she makes.

"Thanks," she smiles nicely at him busy taking her shoes off. "So, when will I see you again?"

"So you want to see me again," he asks and takes a seat next to her with a smug smile on his face. She giggles awkwardly and nods. "Where do you work?"

"Any place that doesn't involve blood," she jokes and shrugs her shoulders. "No, I just introduce products and new stuff. Not that it's important..."

"It is important," he immediately replies and grabs her hand. She looks at his hand then back at him. He's got a gentle grip on her hand that sends chills down her body.

"What job do you do besides writing?" She asks softly and pulls her hand out of his. Not to be rude, she just wants to protect the innocent friendship that's growing between them. He's seeing more than a friendship and so does she, but let it rain when it rains and let the sun shine when it shines. Everything has its perfect timing and when their time comes, they'll know.

"Plan on new stuff to write," he replies with a smile. "I'm going for an interview about the Haunted hospital series and the release of the new one. I would've loved it if you'd come along."

"I can take the day off," she says and looks down. He smiles satisfied and sits closer to her.

"You sure?" he asks raising an eyebrow. She nods and stands up before he could get any more closer. He immediately gets the message that she's not interested. Will he waste his time trying to get her heart? "Perhaps another time then."

"What?" she asks and gives him an angry look. That's one of her weaknesses. She can get angry easily, sometimes for a good reason than other times very unnecessarily. "You just made a suggestion now you want to change it."

"You doubted there, Elana. I don't want you to feel forced or that you only want to be nice because you're afraid that if you say no it'll hurt me," he defends himself. Jordan surely isn't all that blind to listen to a woman's body language.

"Don't do that," she says with a serious tone. "I want to go, okay? You may think that you have this all figured out but you don't. I'm not like other women, Jordan. I speak a different language and give off a different vibe. Don't think you have the answers when you're only asking questions."

He nods and looks down. She's right. He can tell by watching the body language of others, but this woman that knocked him off his feet speaks a different language. One he has never seen before that he won't ever learn.

"Right, I will pick you up tomorrow morning at nine," he says and walks towards the door. Elana gives a heavy sighed and jump ahead of him. She just has to get used to someone else's presence.

"Sorry for being mean," she says. He looks at her and raises an eyebrow. "We have to be realistic here, Jordan. I don't like being touched or someone in my personal space."

"Yes, I understand," he nods his head. They're two different people from different backgrounds and lives.

"Thank you again for this weekend," she says and looks down. A smile form on his lips. This stubborn woman that's standing in front of him isn't avoiding him after all. She's just shy.

"You're an amazing mother, Elana," he says and looks down. She glances at him and folds her arms. "I know you only want what's best for Liam, but it's time you start to think of what's best for you too."

She can't decide if that's something to agree to or not, but there's more to it than she thinks. He only means well, but still.

"I don't need a lecture. I'm getting enough of that from my son," she mutters and turns her back to him. He chuckles and follows her out.

"I would like to take you and Liam out for dinner some other time," Jordan says to her. She bites her lip with a smile and looks at him walking backward. "Just the four of us."

"Jordan, don't get me wrong, but I... I'm not ready to pretend that I'm happy with this, okay?" she says and stops at the door. He gives her a strange look. "I can handle raising a kid on my own and trying to understand this life, but I'm incapable of handling a heartache that'll leave damage for the rest of our lives. If you have intentions, I want you to know that I'm broken enough to see when it's coming."

"You think I have intentions?" he asks. You can see the disappointment in his eyes. This conversation took a complete turn. "Elana, if that was my only intention with you, I would've made it clear to you from the start of time. I'm sorry if that was the message you got from me, but I wouldn't like someone taking advantage of me so I wouldn't do it to others. I'm not in it for intentions."

"Well, there's always a reason to fall in love," Elana mutters. She has tears in her eyes. Behind her closed doors is a delicate woman afraid to risk it. She's broken and too disappointed. It's not just the weekend that has her exhausted. "What's your reason."

"Friendship," he shrugs his shoulders. "That's all for now."

She nods and looks away from him. He took longer than a minute to admire her silence. Soon she said her goodbyes and so did he. There's a long road for them. Will they be so patient to risk it or will it soon be something of the past? She can picture them driving down an empty road into the sunset, hold hands, and look at each other every few seconds, but that only happens in movies. There is nothing like a happy ending. People grow old together, yes, but they are the only lucky ones.