Chapter eight

It took Elana so many clothes to decide what she wants to wear. Should she wear a pair of jeans and a simple shirt or a dress? A dress seems more like what you would wear on a date. She got her dresses out and completely satisfied, ended up in a silver short dress. She got some stockings on to make her skin look tanned and a pair of flat closed shoes. Her hair is straightened and loose. Whatever drove her to do the extra bit of effort, makes her wonder too. She even put some makeup on her. Jordan has got no idea what's waiting on him.

Jordan fixes his tie in the mirror of his car before he gets out and walks to Elana's front door. He knocks and stands back. The door goes open and Elana appears in front of him. He nearly swallows his tongue.

"Hi," she greets him and exits the house.

"Hi," he greets her back. She closes her door and looks at him. He shakes his head to stop staring at her. "The boys are having a game night at my house, so we needn't worry about them."

"Okay," she nods and walks to his car. He follows her and allows himself to scan her body. He jumps ahead of her and opens her door. She climbs in and looks at him that closes the door again running around to his side. He gets in and looks at her.

"You look very beautiful," he says and smiles softly. She gives a blush and put on her safety belt.

"You look very good yourself," she says and looks down awkwardly. They're both thrown off their feet by each other's appearances. For the first time, Elana can picture herself stroking his naked chest and feeling his breath in her neck without thinking of Ralph.

Jordan and Elana lay down on the back of the truck on a mattress. The movie is just about to start. Elana looks at Jordan that lay down looking at the screens. She allows herself to follow her heart by cuddling up against him. Jordan look horrified at her and put his arms around her. She rests her arm on his chest and smiles softly. His embrace is warm and comfortable.

By the end of the film, Elana laid asleep in his arms. He found her face more interesting than the movie. She wasn't asleep after all, she was just trying to put him to the test to see how he would react to her butt sticking out, her body against his, and her eyes closed. He spends a long time staring at her face. He touches her shoulder to feel if she's cold or warm. Her skin is that's exposed to the air is cold. He grabs a blanket and throws it over her. He froze when he saw her butt sticking out. Well, how could he miss that? Without hesitation, he takes his hand down and pulls her dress down over her butt. He covers her with the blanket and holds her tight continuing to watch the movie. Her whole body is filled with goosebumps. He's nothing like other men. She's so used to when she was young and fell asleep next to someone, they would take the advantage of grabbing her butt and doing the unthinkable, but he's nothing like that. Somehow she was waiting for him to feel sexually active towards her to see if he's attracted to her, but only realized how much respect he has for her. That softens her heart.

"Lana," he shakes her shoulder gently. She looks at him and smiles satisfied. "You missed out on the movie."

"Sorry," she whispers. She sits up straight and looks at him that sat up already. "I ruined the date."

"No, you made it better," he smiles at her and climbs off the truck. "Let's pack up then we can go grab something to eat."

"Okay," she replies and climb off. He smiles at her beautiful face and starts to roll up the mattress. She noticed the look and grab the blanket to fold it up. "What?"

"Nothing," he replies and ties the mattress up. She doesn't take his word so she throws him with the blanket which he caught just in time. He laughs and approaches her.

"Did I talk or moan in my sleep?" she asks and grab the pillows throwing them in a bag.

"No," he says and grabs the bag from her to take over. He put the blanket in it too. "I just couldn't help but smile."

"Why?" she asks and throws her head to one side. He looks down then back at her.

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he whispers and walks past her to the front. "I didn't think you'd go all the way out tonight."

"You didn't?" she asks confused and goes to her side of the truck. He opens the back door and throws the rolled-up mattress and the bag in the back. He closes the door and sees her already seated in the front seat. He climbs in and sends her a smile.

"I like seeing your hair loose and messy, ordinary clothes and original looks," he replies and looks at her. She knows the look in his eyes even if it feels too unreal. "This is a side of you I never thought I'd meet."

"There is a side of me that no one is aware of. Only the true one will one day see it," she replies and bites her lip. He raises an eyebrow at her and sits forward. She giggles like a naughty school girl. "Let's do it."

"Do what?" he asked with an odd look on his face. She sits forward and turns to him.

"We can go to my house, grab a warm shower, and then go to bed. Then it's done. You don't have to worry about calling me or talking to me again," she says. He immediately found it strange. A little angry he gets out of the truck and slams the door shut. Elana didn't expect this reaction, so she gets out too and follows him. "Jordan."

"You think that's the only reason I want to be with you?" he asks and approaches her angrily. She folds her arms and gives a big smile. She's putting him through a series of tests, perhaps it's time she should stop and see what comes from his side. "I don't want sex, okay? If that's the only thing you think I want, I'm sorry but I'm not in it for that! How many times do I have to make it clear to you that there are no intentions? Even if we get there one day, I'll call you every damn day, talk to you every minute and see you every day from morning to night and I will irritate you until you get tired of me! Understood?"

Elana walks to him and put her arms around his body. She rests her face on his chest hugging him. He gives her an odd look and hugs her back. Finally, she has an end to her tests, now all she needs is time to get to know him better. She wants to know his flaws so that she can replace them with love. Yes, she's falling in love with him.

"Come on, I'm hungry," she says and pulls away from him heading back to the truck. Jordan stands there in confusion before he goes back to the truck.

Jordan walks Elana to her front door. She opens her door and looks at him that looks around them then at her. She can see something is bothering him.

"I just wanted to see your reaction," she says and looks down. "I'm sorry."

"Elana, I'm not going to lie. You are very attractive and I'm crazy about you, but I don't want to sleep with you or do anything with you if it's going to be based on lust," he says and gives her a worried look. "I know a very bad thing happened to you, but don't think I'll do the same. If you think I'm only going to hurt you, you're wrong. I won't give up until I've proven you wrong."

"You had many opportunities to take me to bed, yet you didn't," she whispers and stands closer to him. He starts to feel lightheaded with her so near to him. "All my questions are answered, Jordan. Thank you for not giving up."

"I'm your phobia, remember?" he teases her. She giggles awkwardly and nods her head. "A phobia never goes away. I will never go away."

"Phobias do go away," she says and looks around. "With the right help, you can overcome them easily."

He nods his head. Her eyes meet his again. A smile crosses her lips. They found another reason to live.

"Goodnight then, Elana," he finally says. She grabs his shoulder and lifts herself to her toes. He could feel his face burst into flames when she kisses his cheek. She let herself down again and give him a beautiful smile.

"Goodnight, Jordan," she says and enters her house. She closes the door and throws her back against it. She grabs her chest and gives a big smile. Jordan rubs his hand over his face and walks to his truck. She kisses his cheek. It finally feels like he's getting progress with her. Where Elana was too afraid to risk it before, she wants him even more now by the second.