Chapter 2: Alex Warren

Alex Warren was 15 years old and about to start as a 1st-year student at 5th high school after the summer break in the city of Rizzle of country X. He was currently, as Seth/Apex put it, getting his ass kicked.

Alex was an orphan who lived in the Warren orphanage, where his last name originated from. He had been found abandoned on the doorstep of the orphanage before he was even a year old.

Alex grew up to be a sweet and kind boy despite being abandoned by his parents although he was quite a loner. Since he was 5, his only friend was a young woman named Samantha. Samantha was very pretty from a young age so many boys and young teens wanted to get into her good graces and were jealous of Alex.

But even if they were jealous, they never made a move against Alex due to not wanting Samantha to end up finding out it was them who did it. Thus, it became a long cold war for Alex.

He had no male friends because of many boys not liking Alex or being afraid of getting close to Alex since he was on the bad side of many other children. As for the girls, Alex had scars on his face that scared most young girls off. The only one not scared off was Samantha. Thus, the only person who would befriend young Alex was Samantha.

This lasted until a few months prior when something spectacular happened to Samantha: she awakened. When someone awakens, it means that their metahuman, or Alpha, gene as most people call it activates.

Samantha had awakened and gone from just being pretty to be pretty and powerful as she was a Tier-5 Alpha. She not only got adopted by a rich and powerful family causing her to move out but was also transferred to 1st high school where all the rich, powerful, or rich and powerful went.

But while Samantha's days got better and better, Alex's days got worse and worse. Samantha seemed to have forgotten all about him from the moment that she had awakened. At first, everyone thought she was just adjusting to her new life and did not bother Alex for a few weeks.

But after not hearing from or seeing her for a month, the boys who had crushes on Samantha took out their anger on Alex. Not just out of petty jealousy as teenagers but many felt that Alex took away an opportunity for them to tag along with Samantha to get a better life.

And for two continuous months, Alex was subjected to bullying constantly. Whether at school, at his part-time, or, since the school was out, at home. Although several adults tried to help or stop it, they could only do so much.

Which led to the current situation for Alex. He was currently surrounded by 5 other teens who were each laying into him with their fists and legs. Although they were not using weapons, they still made sure that his body would be sore the next day.

Seth watched and felt this all happen to Alex with an unimpressed look on his face. In his eyes, even without his powers or weapons, he could easily kill those 5 a hundred different ways with one hand.

'This kid, is he stupid? That one in the middle has a weak knee, while both of the ones on the right keep getting in each other's way. They are all weaker than him physically too from the state of his body.'

Seth kept judging the situation from his experienced vision and not from the point of view of a teenager who never got into a fight. The thought of trying to help Alex did not even cross his mind.

It was not just because Seth was unsure if he could even help Alex but mainly because he did not care. He had killed millions during his life so he did not care about a teenager being beaten up.

Alex suffered at the hands of his bullies for another 5 minutes before they got tired and left after saying a few remarks about him.

Alex slowly picked himself and checked out the new bruises and cuts on his body as well as to see if any of his older wound had opened up. As he had been beaten on a semi-daily or daily basis, he was always covered in injuries.

But one thing that he was, was prideful. No matter how many times he was beaten up, he never asked for help or reported it. Alex always tried to talk his way out of the situation or fight as a last resort but never make the first move against anyone.

Seeing that he had no severe injuries, Alex stripped down to his underwear before pulling out some extra clothes from his backpack and changing into them. Since he had been beaten so often, he made sure to always carry around 2 spare sets of clothes.

He changed not because he cared about his reputation. Everyone knew what happened to him and would not be surprised about his injuries. He did so in order to make sure Ms. Lily, the woman in charge of the orphanage, did not notice the new wounds and become worried about him.

Seth could read all of Alex's thoughts as he got dressed as well as his concern over Ms. Lily's worries and could only sneer at the innocent boy's thoughts.

'You are unable to even protect yourself yet you worry about others? I have killed far too many fools like you that try to play hero and overestimate themselves.'

Alex made his way back home, unknown that there was an additional soul inside of him or what his future days would be like because of it.