Chapter 22: Reigning Champs (2)

Using her bone tentacles to move, Cass was able to barely keep up with Yumi who was going 'slow' in order to not get surrounded on her own. Even though she was confident in her abilities, Yumi knew better than to underestimate her enemies.

Yumi was a high-tier Alpha. She had multiple power but her main was being able to turn into a large cat clad in lightning as well as controlling electricity. She only used the formed ability when she faced other high-tier Alphas since her physical abilities increased by a large margin and were unfair to fight against for most.

But even just her electricity manipulation was dangerous. She could use it to create and manipulate electricity from her body, summon lightning, or augment her physical abilities with the electricity. And those were just the basics of her powers.

Just her going all out by herself was enough to take out the entire team Dynamite if she chose to but the focus of the class was on teamwork so Yumi made sure to hold back enough to allow her teammates to keep her. Her specialty was rapid and destructive combat which the other two could not keep up with. She had earned her nickname as Raiju.

Yumi sent Cass an anxious and expectant look before the latter girl just sighed and made a gesture with her hands.

"Fine. But make sure you are care..." but before she could even finish, Yumi zipped ahead to deal with the goblins and team of Alphas.

"...ful. That girl is so impatient. She needs a speedster to take her down a peg or at least give her a challenge." Cass said with a smile on her face as her bone tentacles moved faster to arrive at the battle.

On Yumi's end, she had already arrived in the center on the first wave of goblins. The girl came in clad in lightning and crashed onto the ground and created a burst of electricity around her which pushed away and burned all of the goblins.

Any that were lucky enough to survive their burns would die from either the force of the blast or when they crashed on the ground afterward leaving their burnt corpses to stink up the arena until they dispersed.

Although the goblins were feral and had sharp teeth and limbs, they were not much stronger than a normal human their size. Their danger laid more in their ferocity and numbers. But when it came to powerhouses like Yumi, they were nothing more than slight inconveniences.

Salamander and Hardlight came up after the goblins but they had some fear in their eyes. They constantly fought with the goblins for training and knew how durable the little guys were. So seeing Yumi able to kill them without breaking a sweat caused the pair to be nervous.

'I always thought the others held back against them since they were pretty. I didn't think that these ladies were actually so dangerous,' Hardlight thought as he punched towards Yumi.

The lightning girl did not cower away from the punch but instead returned one of her own. Blue and white met pink in a clash before a bang and flash of orange light was seen, blinding all who watched.

Before they could see again, the audience and Salamander heard a bang. Then another. And another. The bangs kept getting faster and faster before it started to sound like a steady sound.

When they could all see again, they realized what the banging was. Hardlight's armor had been broken open in several places and he was launched off the arena. No one could tell whether he was unconscious or dead but when he twitched a moment later, the teachers in charge let out a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that Yumi had accidentally killed a student. It was not the first time she had done serious damage to another student and would probably not be the last.

When Salamander came to and punched Yumi who had her back to him, he felt his blow was stopped early and pain in his hand. When he saw what stopped him, he tried to back away before realizing that it was too late.

What blocked his palm and surrounded him were bone tentacles created by Cass. These tentacles were dangerous due to how much control Cass had over them and their material. Although they were not the toughest things around, they had excellent defensive properties.

But what made them truly dangerous was how jagged and sharp they were. They could cut through the defense of most physical mid-tier abilities easily which is why Salamander had tried to escape. He knew that his lizard form was no match for Cass.

"I grrrrzzzzzzurender," Salamander said before any of the tentacles could penetrate his body. He knew better than to fight when he had no chance of winning.

Cass pouted her lips at Salamander and looked at the teachers. Seeing her face that practically screamed 'I wanna beat him up first. Please let me!' the teachers almost allowed her to continue but then they shook their heads.

Cass reluctantly put the tentacles behind her back as Yumi stood by her side. Both girls did not make any advances as they looked at GL who kept creating more and more goblins. They were not afraid of the little things and wanted to fight longer so they decided to let GL do his thing.

"These guys are really the 5th rank? How weak are the other 5 teams?" Yumi asked as she looked at her nails, even though they were clad in lightning and she could not see any nail polish.

"All the other teams have at least 1 member who is not an Alpha. Even if they have one or two decent Alphas, they will still be overrun due to this guy who can create a small army as long as the lizard and flashlight hold off the other team for long enough. Basically turtling like in videogames," she explained to her friend who was a video game and combat addict.

Yumi nodded in understanding before she heard the laughter of GL standing on the other end of the arena.