You Want to Drink my Blood? Sure, why not.


As Ervas and Veronica saw Gaius slowly recover back the life on his eyes, they walked to a group of humans, the only humans in the entire tribe.

They were four women that were captive in Oggoth's lairs, and had their memories cleansed, from the horrors they went through… for the most part.

That their memories were cleansed did not mean that all the trauma and psychological trauma was not there, or at least their effects, such as shyness, timidity, fragility, and other effects.

This group of four women, despite having the memories of the horrors cleansed, still had dead eyes… although they didn't remember anything of the most terrible of things such as their time while being used as tools for reproduction, they still remembered how their party members were massacred and killed by the monsters and then themselves made into workers for countless months, being badly fed and nourished, amongst many other things.