A New Tamed Companion


Two days after Ervas and Veronica changed Jobs for the last time, Veronica was currently sitting in her self-made throne inside the 'castle' of the young Igni Kingdom.

She seemed a bit conflicted while crossing her legs constantly.

"Is something wrong with you?" asked Shade, who was floating at her side.

"I want to tame a new monster," said Veronica.

"A new… monster? You already have three… four with Ozgeth" said Shade.

"Did you call me, Shade-sama?" asked Ozgeth, as he appeared out of thin air, showing his giant eyeball-like phantasmagoric body covered in tentacles.

"Would you count yourself as a tamed monster of Veronica?" asked Shade.

"I? Well, of course. I have been completely tamed by my lady, I am her loyal servant," said Ozgeth with a pleasant smile, which was rather creepy than anything.

"Then you've tamed four monsters, Veronica," said Shade.