Time Skip No Jutsu


Within a large underground chamber filled with many tubes, cauldrons filled with oozy substances, different pieces of monsters, piles of corpses, and several caged animals and… humans, Abraham Gespudo, Ervas, and Veronica glanced at the corpse before them, resting over a metallic table.

Although it seemed like a corpse, a large soul was coming inside of it, although it was not having the easiest of times doing so.

"It still struggling, my lords," said Abraham.

"Hm, take it out then," said Ervas, as Veronica gently pulled the soul out.

The soul seemed rather strange, as it was an amalgamation of many soul pieces stuck together forcefully.

These were the souls of the former Heroes of the tribes of Bear-kin and Harpies alongside many others, which were rescued by Ervas and Veronica from the Necromancer's hands.