Ervas VS Radrugo!


Radugro heard the commotion outside of his room and immediately ran to the door, opening to find chaos unfold.

Dozens of his subordinates were lying on the floor unconscious, while others were being hopelessly beaten to almost death by a group of mysterious demi-humans, and another group was being ravaged by elemental magic conjured by floating ghosts of various colors… it was truly a sight to behold. 

"W-What is going on in here?!" roared Radugro, as he released his Aura, generating a roar that made his invaders notice his presence.

"Oh, that's the leader, Radugro," said Ervas.

"I see, should we beat him?" asked Veronica.

"We'll brainwash him… It is better than killing him…" said Ervas.