Job Changing A Lot And...


Without further ado, Veronica changed Jobs once more, deciding to abuse this "broken" System of hers, which had become like this because it was a copied version of the original System that Vedon and Lamus inserted into the depths of her soul and that of Ervas.

It began to develop a lot of functions on its own, and it seemed to faintly work according to the expectations of its user, although it dint obey them right away.

Also, any power it gave was not generated out of somewhere else nor from a source, and it was most likely all this power that Veronica had already acquire beforehand by simply developing herself, which simply had to be unlocked.

And the fastest way to unlock it was by changing Jobs continuously, the older the Job was, the more she had already unlocked it is, so the faster it was to level it to max level in a matter of minutes.

Perhaps if Veronica were to develop her Soul enough, she would be able to control the System better.