Terraforming A Planet


"I know what you have in mind but… Is this really okay? Maybe we are violating some kind of space law," said Ervas.

"I don't think there is any space law," said Veronica.

"Okay, maybe there isn't one but-"

"I believe laws only apply to planets below the jurisdictions of these organizations, and we are pretty much in the wasteland equivalent of this galaxy in here, which is mostly filled with self-contained worlds within Spatial Areas, all of the outer space around these Spatial Areas is usually ignored," said Veronica.

"Fine…" said Ervas.

The two figures flew through the vacuum of space as they reached a rocky planet resembling mars a bit, but it was fairly bigger and less red, browner, and it had an atmosphere with a lot of carbon dioxide. Coincidentally, it also had a moon.

"Unlike gaseous planets that are hard to implement life into, rocky planets shouldn't be so hard," said Veronica.