Absorbing Kritias!


Veronica and Ervas glanced at the emptied bubbles. These worlds were Kritias! Past and future Kritias were now before their very eyes.

Using the power of their abilities and magic, the split souls were able to encapsulate the two worlds inside a bubble where they were going to easily absorb them.

For this process, they couldn't do it separate, of course.

The two quickly hugged each other lovingly, as they merged into a single being once more, a beautiful hermaphrodite entity with long wine and white hair, and sharp eyes, four of them. Alongside four arms, and large black horns spiraling upwards…

She looked like the incarnation of a beautiful goddess, although it also had both genders. This was their ultimate fusion, and many could say that it is also their "True form" although they feel comfortable while fusing, they also don't like it as much, and would prefer to be separate for anything else than fighting, if possible.