Happy Yggdrasil


As the twins were finally brought back to life after so long, a big encounter was done where they finally met with Yggdrasil and then… discussed a lot against Ervas and Veronica, only to ultimately decide to stop being so hostile.

However, even now that they choose to "cease fire" between them and the split souls, the twins were still rather angry at them, and it showed in their expressions, way of talking, and how they treated the two.

Anastacia was more aggressive though, although she was supposed to be the most mature of the twins, she was quick-tempered, or well, developed that way, while Juliette was gentler and shier sometimes. It was clear that Anastacia took care of Juliette and was overprotective.

Yggdrasil had also emerged within the twins, and she was like the middle ground between the twins and the split souls to properly communicate. However, as of now, she had not showed a way to do this yet aside from a few tidbits.