The Problem With The Hivemind


"Indeed, count on us. We won't leave you. We had also considered going away, but only if you wanted to. If you don't, we'll stay for sure." Said Ervas.

"Yeah! We can stay here and do whatever we can, which is a lot! So don't fear, we can make up something." said Veronica.

"I am here too by the way, so I'll help however I can." Said Aurora.

"Me too!" said Violet while raising a tiny hand, she was enjoying her ice cream and waving her cute fluffy tail.

"Thank you everyone…" said Anastacia.

"I am very thankful as well." Said Juliette.

"Now… there's something I must reveal you. Alongside the Hivemind growing restless and slowly trying to get out into the planet's surface, there's something more. The entire Hivemind had been doing this for a million years now, ever since it was thrown into the ground…" said Yggdrasil.