Okay, It’s Decided

Unlike yesterday which was almost late, today Alisya departed earlier in coinciding with a security guard who had just opened the school gate. He deliberately arrived early to avoid the noise of the vehicle occupants of the school.

In Alisya's class, she sat facing the window, with a headset attached to her ear. The headset was made by Karin's father, especially for her.

"Alisya ..." Call Rinto after giving a little shake to Alisya's table so she turns around.

Alisya has memorized who this person is. He was the person who had been beaten up by him when he first returned to Jakarta. At that time he accidentally bumped into her and Rinto grabbed Alisya's hair, then told her to kneel apologetically. But what happened was quite the opposite.

Rinto is one who is quite feared for ordinary people who are in the first level and other schools. However, after his fight with Alisya, he lost his leadership and became the target of other school students. However, Alisya was the one who saved Rinto, along with his friends. That is why Alisya was unable to attend the last school ta'aruf event. This makes Rinto very respectful of Alisya.

"I think you should be careful. Many people talk about you." He made as little noise as possible to make Alisya, feeling safe releasing his Headset and trying to listen to Rinto.

"I do not underestimate you, but the elite will be quite difficult to handle because they have many acquaintances who can do anything to destroy you. With the money and power they have, it is not impossible for them." He added more slowly than before.

"Right Alisya, especially the person from yesterday who shouted at you!" Yogi continued from behind in the same quiet voice. Rinto and Yogi saw what happened at the gate yesterday before returning home.

"I understand. You don't need to be afraid. Thank you for worrying about me. I can handle it. I only ask you to protect Karin for me." Decisively Alisya emphasized his request.

"Of course! I have already told my friend who is at MIA 3, to report Karin's activities without her knowledge!" Rinto answered quickly.

Alisya, who wanted to thank him, was interrupted by the voices of the people who immediately approached so Alisya only gave a sincere smile and gave a signal for them to leave, then put the headset back on.

Alisya's sincere smile under the translucent light from the window looked very charming and thrilling the hearts of the two men. Adding a breeze that slowly blew his long black hair, adding to Alisya's natural beauty.

"What a beautiful view," Rinto thought as he turned to pull Yogi who was still stunned.

When resting, Alisya took the opportunity to go to the library instead of the canteen. And of course, accompanied by Karin, both of them are looking for references to the Biology assignment. However, their library is not as complete as that of the elite. Even so, Alisya felt that the material was enough because he felt he could develop it further.

"hei, Sya ... Have you heard yet that next week there will be a percentage project that must be followed by every student from the elite and upper classes?" Karin asked as she opened the pile of books in front of Alisya, so her face could be seen clearly from across.

Alisya only walked to the next bookshelf which indicated that she had heard about it.

"You know that the project requires everyone to have a partner! And many of the ordinary people who want to partner with the elite." she continued by doing the same thing.

Alisya doesn't care about that, because for her there will only be Karin. She just shifted again to the next bookshelf. If it wasn't for her, Karin would of course enter the elite. She also avoided Karin, not being in the same class with her so that she was protected. But Karin still insisted on staying beside Alisya.

"So who do you want to partner with? Wouldn't the elite be better? You would have high Points so that they would not be expelled from school." Said Karin again after taking a book.

Alisya was getting annoyed by what Karin was doing. Karin should not have asked that question because it was certain that she would choose Karin as her partner. shee patiently moved further to another bookshelf.

After a while, it seemed that the row of books would open from across. Alisya closed her eyes in annoyance and answered firmly.

"What do you want to do anyway? I will choose you as my partner! If you refuse, I will force you!" she said as he turned toward another book.

"Okay, it's determined!" Alisya was surprised when she heard that voice. she immediately turned toward the clear voice, it was not Karin's voice. She was very surprised when she found out that it was Adith.

"That's not meant for you!" Reply Alisya fierce

"You can't take back your words! Unless you're someone like that!" said Adith in a mocking tone.

Alisya is a person who holds fast to what she says, but she doesn't want to be involved with this guy.

"It's up to you but my words are not addressed to you." Decisively Alisya as she turned to walk away, but held back when she heard her voice recording.

"This is a sentence that you say yourself! So you cannot induce it. Remember I am your partner !!!" Threaten Adith turned away while waving haughtily throughout the room.

The results of the recording were heard by all the students or students who were in the room, including Karin who giggled, holding her stomach pain, seeing her friend's silly behavior.

"I hope your defense will collapse this time!" Karin sneered while wiping away his tears.

"Did you do that on purpose?" Alisya asked with a bright red face.

"No, in the beginning, I was the one who opened the rows of books! But just when he finished asking about you, you have hit him aggressively!" Karin could no longer hold back her laughter and she received a reprimand from the library guard.

"Damn !!! I have to explain it to him. I just want to be your partner!" Alisya's sentence sounds firmer than before. she left Karin who was still breathing in to calm down.