Ralisya Quenby Lesham

Morning at school.

"You still like to walk? Didn't I already give you a motorcycle?" Adith spoke from behind Alisya when she entered the school gate.

"I'm still comfortable like this! Besides I have returned your moto, Matic. How's your shoulder?" Alisya turned her back while tapping Adith's shoulder.

"Be careful you can fall if you walk like that! My shoulders are fine!" He warned Alisya before answering her question which made Alisya smile.

"What's so funny?" Adith was annoyed.

"Alisyaaa ... How come you have already been to school?" Shouted Karin ran to Alisya, asking worriedly.

"I feel bored at home! And also it was a Sunday evening so I have had enough rest! So you don't need to worry, I am healthy enough to attend school today." Terin Karin.

"He um... Good .." Karin put on a serious face.

"Why? Is there something wrong or is there something you think about?" Alisya looked at Karin's face no less seriously.

"Keep talking like this, I like to hear your voice and talk a lot" Karin showed a happy face full of sympathy.

Alisya suddenly blushed. SHe knocked Karin's head and walked faster leaving Karin. Karin followed her with a small laugh. Alisya also thinks that since when she started accustomed to talking a lot with ease and began to like to chat with other people in comfortable conditions.

"Damn ... I'm being warned !!!" Adith murmured alone.


"Are you OK, Sya?" Rinto asked very quietly. He did not want to surprise Alisya with his voice.

"I'm fine! You can talk casually, I have a tool that will not be released unless I want it!" Alisya raised her hair slightly in a circle and showed the tool in her ear.

Alisya's movements were very gentle, making Rinto stunned by Alisya's beauty in the morning sun. Besides, Rinto saw 3 black spot moles on Alisya's neck just below her ears that formed a star-like pattern that shined beautifully because of her white skin.

"Ah well .." Rinto immediately turned his reddened face and immediately sat in his chair.

Alisya just smiled.

Rinto's seated position was right to the right of Alisya and Karin's table, which forced her to move, now to her left shifting Adora.

"Sya, what happened that night they were terrorists? Looks like they already recognize your face!" Karin whispered.

Rinto turned closer to hear Karin's discussion. Yogi who had been far away was now in front of the three of them.

"And for those dressed in black suits, don't you recognize them?" Yogi asked again.

"Karin is right, it seems like they recognized me because of the interview at the awards ceremony yesterday. The ones who shot at Adith were terrorists who were targeting me while those wearing black suits were the ones I had been avoiding. Now my position was known to both of them"

"What are you going to do now? Doesn't that mean you're in danger?" Rinto worried about Alisya.

"You can stay at my house with your grandmother! You will be safer there," Karin volunteered.

"Karin, you know I don't want to endanger you either!" Alisya holds Karin's head and strokes her back.

"But you ..." haven't finished Karin said the school bell had rung with the entry of Mrs. Arni

"Today we will do the re-election for class leader due to Miska's move, besides that, I also have important information!" Mrs. Arni immediately opened her voice when she saw the students had begun to calm down.

"Tomorrow is your holiday, ma'am?" Deni asked quickly to be welcomed by the laughter of all students.

"Yes ... tomorrow you can take a day off after school!" The cynical smile of Arni's mother

"Savage !!!" added another.

"The school will be camping at the top of the Sukabumi Tanakita Ground. For that reason, I will directly appoint the girls and son team leaders!

"Kar, where exactly is Miska? Moved?" Alisya was confused.

Karin knew very well that Alisya would always forget the most painful events for her and she would act as if nothing had happened to protect Alisya.

"Her parents moved overseas, so she moved too" Karin smiled wryly.

"Oh ..." Alisya is the type of person who won't get involved and even if it is a block, she will find out for herself the problem.

"Ralisya Queby Lesaham! You became the leader of the class ... based on the results of your percentage then you deserve to be the class leader" Mrs. Arni suddenly mentioned the name Alisya, which made Alisya's eyeballs almost stick out of her nest.

Karin burst out laughing at the silly expression of Alisya who was shocked ...

"Ummm .. instead of me ma'am, what if Karin alone? Being ranked top in the previous class is certainly more appropriate!" Alisya's cunning look made Karin cough wrongly to swallow her saliva.

"Okay, then it's decided Karin will be the class leader!" Alisya smiled wickedly hearing that.

"And Alisya will be the squad leader for the princess when camping later" This time Karin laughed even harder.

"You hit the stone too .." Rinto just smiled a little not dare to laugh at Alisya.

"Rinto you who became the leader of the men's team!" Appoint Mrs. Arni.

"Why am I not, Mom?" Javanese accent suddenly came out making the whole room chaos.

"If you want it already, you can move classes !!! replied Arni's mother firmly.

"Wowwww ... Mrs. Arni a cool..." Alisya claps her hands while showing 2 thumbs.

The bip sound in Alisya's ear indicates a message coming in as soon as Arni's mother comes out of the room.

"Meet me at the Roof complex now!" a message from handsome genius.

"So much! What are you doing with the flower garden on the roof of the complex though !! Alisya thought" No way !! Alisya answered the message.

"You stubborn!" Adith then sent a picture.

Seeing the picture message from Adith, Alisya reflexively walked out to meet Adith.

"Where are you going?" Karin held Alisya's armband in confusion.

"Looks like Adith is starting to dig up information about me. I have to see him !" Alisya sent an image sent by adith to Karin's phone

Seeing that, Karin understood and reminded Alisya not to say more.


"What do you want ???" Asked Alisya when she arrived.

"Tell me who you are? How come you don't have any civil records and even your data is secured by the state!" Adith replied firmly.

"Adith, it's good if you don't find out about me for your safety."

"My safety ?? do you underestimate me?" Adith took a step closer to Alisya.

"I don't underestimate you, I'm just reminding you!" Alisya explained.

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm not an easy person or stupid enough to be in danger!" Added Adith confidently.

"With you near me it's already dangerous enough," said Alisya.

"I can protect myself !!" Adith's eyes glared at Alisya.

"I know, you have the power and the CEO of the number one big company in Indonesia! But you are only a high school kid who can't hold the company until you are 20 years old and get a proper degree. You haven't been trained enough in the real business world. Power that you hold now is not enough. "Alisya explained at length staring at Adith's face.

Adith understands the purpose of Alisya, for the size of a high school Adith child is above average. But that did not close him who was still just a high school kid. The power he holds is still limited to the power given by his parents. But he has the ability, then why is it not enough for Alisya. He then thinks what kind of person Alisya needs more than just power just to find out himself.