Something Was Doesn't Right

"What do we do by going to Adith's house?"  Alisya was annoyed that Karin asked her out.  On weekends, Alisya wants to be used to sleep all day in her room, because yesterday's exhaustion from the Olympics made her very lazy to move.

 "I also don't know, Sya. Adith said there are important things to do and we are all told to gather at his house," explained Karin, who was getting bored with all of Alisya's questions.

 "Everyone's hanging out too? I mean, the other friends?" asked Alisya again.

 "Come on ... just come in first, let you see for yourself. You are so fussy! Since when have you been talking a lot like this? I'm happy because finally, you can talk casually, but gradually I get annoyed hearing you keep asking questions.  "  Karin got a little bitchy.

 Once inside, some of his friends are already inside the house with a wide spread of various kinds of food on the table that is appetizing.  The table was almost full and left no room for another plate.

 "Wow… where else? Why are you only with Emi?"  Asked Alisya to Adora who was arranging food on the table, assisted by a maid who used to help with household chores at Adith's house.

 "The others are arranging the garden for us to play there, it will be more exciting if we eat in an open place," Emi explained while carrying another tray.  His hands were full of piles of traditional cakes.

 "I see. Kar, let's go to ... how come, Kar? Karin?"  Alisya turned left and right but couldn't find Karin.  Karin had disappeared just as they entered the house.

 "I saw him in the living room," said Adora using her eyes.

 "Oh ... Adith's parents where? Where's Adith's too?"  Alisya asked, not seeing the figure of Adith or her parents.

 "Adith's parents were still out for a while if Adith was upstairs with Beni. They're tidying up," said Adora, still busy arranging the plates on the table.

 "Well ... then, I'll look for Karin first ... Then come here again to help out," said Alisya, who immediately looked for Karin.

 "It's finished here, just pick it up and take it to the garden," Emi explained.

 "Oh yes, call Feby as well, to help lift him," asked Adora politely.

 "Siipp ..." smiled his eyebrows as he walked away.

Alisya went around the living room of Adith's house, but couldn't find anyone.  He then headed to the park and watched from afar.  There you can see Gani and Gina who are busy moving places for the meat grilling circle.

 Alisya approached while helping a struggling Feby to pull out a large enough table and arrange it together with another long table that was bigger and lifted by Rinto and Yogi by showing their muscles and muscles in their necks.

 "Did you see Karin? I thought she was here because she wasn't in the middle room" asked Alisya after successfully arranging and tidying the table position.

 "He's looking forward to taking something," answered Feby with a heavy breath.  He was quite overwhelmed to lift the table and sweat a little because the sky was showing a slightly hot sun.

 "Okay ..." nodded Alisya understandably.  He remained around there to help but Karin didn't come until there was a noise from inside the house.

 "What's that sound?"  Feby put on a panicked face as did the others.

 Alisya just thought that they might accidentally drop something.  Based on the sound it wasn't dangerous enough because it sounded like a bowl of water falling to the floor so it didn't overreact.

 "I'll look inside first, okay?"  Feby walked into the house as fast as lightning and was a little hurried.

 "Then I'll look at Karin in the future."  Alisya did not ask further about what her friends were doing because it was clear that this was just a casual meal.  He was just confused about what the meal was being held for.  Looking at the chairs placed around it, it could reach up to 20 people.

 "Okay ... Guys, will you bring us fruit ice? It's hot," said Yogi, who was fanning his cheeks.

 "Siip ..." while waving, Alisya went to the front but did not find Karin there.  Alisya finally returned to the house where Emi and Adora were busy serving food on the table.

 "Where is the kid?"  Alisya entered while pressing the device in her ear to call Karin. Once inside, Alisya saw a bowl full of fruit ice falling on the floor and not cleaned.  There is also no one there, making Alisya confused why they left the items that should be cleaned first.

 Alisya finally took the initiative to clean up the fruit ice spill and separated the glass bowl that had scattered about.

 "Still not adopted, where is this child?"  Alisya was getting irritated.  He finally went around the house to find Karin and the others while continuing to call Karin.  Then accidentally he saw Karin's cellphone lying on the floor of the living room of Adith's house.

 "Why is the cellphone here? Kar ... Karin?"  Alisya tried to call several times.  Alisya did not dare to go further into Adith's house where Alisya had not met Adith since earlier, so she chose to return to the garden.

 "Where are they?"  Alisya did not find Yogi where they were originally and only found the embers of the stove that were already burning and the table was upside down.  Even the twins who often argued were nowhere to be seen.

 Alisya started to put on a serious face and worried that something wrong was going on.  He finally dials Adith's number, but the number cannot be reached.

 Confused, Alisya finally came back inside and it was still empty and none of them were visible.

 "Adora, Emi, Feby, Rinto, Yogi, seriously this isn't funny you know!"  Alisya started making an irritated voice.

 "Beni, Gani, Gina? Where the hell are you?"  His eyebrows were getting impatient.

 "Aditthhh ... Kariiinnnn!"  this time there was anger in Alisya's voice.

 "What are you doing? If you keep doing this, I won't play your games and go home!"  Alisya threatened but there was no reaction at all.

 "Karin, you know that I don't like games like this the most?"  threaten him again.

Because she was getting annoyed, he was finally about to walk out, accidentally he saw some traces of boots visible in front of the entrance.  Alisya remembers very well that among her friend's none of them wear shoes with a base style like a barrel.

 Alisya finally stepped back slowly and pretended as if she had left the house and closed the door with a slight bang as a sign that she was leaving in annoyance.