Unexpected Woman

The time for rest that was almost up made Alisya and her other friends immediately left the canteen, followed by Adith who was in their midst.  Many pairs of eyes looked at them with awe, as well as envy.  They admired the crowd of people who came out of the cafeteria, who looked like a group of special Elite members that the school had because it was not limited only in terms of wealth, but also in terms of their beauty and good looks.

 "See you later, Quenby ..." whispered Adith with a mischievous smile in her ear.

 "I thought you would never come back to your class!"  Karin teased seeing Adith who wanted to leave.

 "If Alisya keeps me away, I'll still be here!"  he said while blocking Alisya's path, ignoring him.  Adith's sturdy hands held him from the side, then Adith dropped his body against the wall and looked at Alisya asking for a response.

 "No, go back to your class!"  Alisya said casually past Adith.

 "I'm still smart even though I didn't take today's lesson!"  interrupted Adith still doing the same movement again to block Alisya's footsteps.

 "An intelligent person is never satisfied. He will continue to feel thirsty for knowledge, instead of ignoring it," explained Alisya, looking at Adith sharply.

 "Stop teasing her! You are one sure example of what Alisya has said!"  Yogi said, patting Adith's shoulder.

 Adith smiled as he saw Alisya who passed him without a sound.

 "Goodbye, Quenby ..." shouted Adith to Alisya who had turned her back.

 Brakkk ... 

The book spilled out when Adith accidentally hit someone right after he was about to turn through a corridor that was blocked by a wall.

 "Are you okay?"  Adith immediately looked down to help stand up a woman with glasses who fell.

 Seeing that, Karin immediately pulled Alisya who was just about to enter the classroom.

 "What's the matter, Karin?"  She asked, confused.

 "Look at that," said Karin using her lips.

 Adith helped pick up some of the flying papers.  From what she could see, it was the compilation of the students' assignments in the Science 3 class.

 "Sorry I did not mean it!"  said Adith, handing her the paper he had picked up.

 "Adith? What are you doing here?"  her voice was soft and a little excited.

 "Aurelia ?! Do you go to school here?"  asked Adith, startled in a cold voice.  Adith had not noticed the woman's face before, as she helped her to her feet because her face was covered by her long hair.

 "Well ... that's it!"  She said politely with a little shrugged his shoulders.

 "Aurelia? You are Aurelia, right? Since when did you move here?"  attacked Yogi with his hands full of books because he was helping them.

 "About 3 months ago," She replied casually with a cheerful smile.

 "Really? I've never seen you before," said Adith still coolly.

 "Sorry… when I moved here, the school held a festival and I was asked to be the class president who took care of everything so I'm quite busy!" said Aurelia.

 Alisya and Karin only watched them from afar and continued to listen.  From their conversation, Alisya could tell that they seemed to have known each other quite a while before and were quite familiar.  But Adith's reaction to Aurelia, was a little different, even though every time she spoke coldly.

 "So who is this woman?"  whispered Karin to Yogi who was followed behind by Alisya.

 "Oh yeah ... introduce you, she's Aurelia. Adith's distant cousin. Even so, she and Adith were very close before that ..." Aurelia immediately stepped on Yogi's feet and smiled in a friendly manner.  Yogi grimaced in silence, sitting up holding his shoe-covered feet.

 "My name is Aurelia!" She thrust her hand towards Alisya.

 Karin was confused why Aurelia just passed her by, being the one who asked who she was.  Karin's face stared at Alisya with a confused look and narrowed her forehead.  Alisya smiled understanding the meaning of Karin's gaze but tried to ignore it.

 "My name is Alisya, and the person who asked you earlier is my best friend, Karin!"  said Alisya shaking Aurelia and purposely pointed at Karin.

 "Ah… sorry… I don't mean to be rude! I was attracted when I saw the school's LED screen showing Alisya's face and being the number 1 candidate for school president!"  Aurelia's voice sounded nervous and a little halting as she tried to explain.

 "I also did not think that you, who was only 3 months old, had already occupied the 3rd position as a candidate for school president," added Rinto while handing out several pieces of paper he had picked up.

 "Oh, so you realized it was me, right? You're Rinto, right? Thank you for your help!"  her smile took everything Rinto was holding.

 "Really? I didn't see it!"  said Yogi looking at Adith asking the same thing.

 "Me too," shook Adith.

 "You bad guys ... we just haven't seen each other for 2 years and you guys forget me that easily?"  She exclaimed with an annoying voice that made her sound sweet.

 "You are great and popular enough to be one of the recommended people, well…" Karin said with a sly smile that looked friendly.

 "Ah ... no, I'm just lucky! It's not like you two are liked by everyone, although at first, I heard that many people don't dare to approach Alisya, because she looks like a woman who ..." Aurelia purposely didn't want to.  continue the sentence.

 "It doesn't matter ... I don't mind if they think of me that way!"  said Alisya softly.

 "But I do not!"  said Adith stroking Alisya's head.  "I'll go back to class first. See you later everyone."  Adith smiled warmly at Alisya and waved the others past Aurelia.

 "Adith ... are you still angry with me by ignoring me like that?"  Aurelia stopped Adith in a spoiled voice.

 "I go first!"  said Adith still his back to him and walked away.

 "Aurelia, don't think too much about it! You know what Adith is like, right?"  Yogi tried to calm Aurelia, whose eyes were slightly teary.

 Aurelia was silent looking at the back of Adith who had left them.  Yogi stood to accompany Aurelia and grabbed Rinto who wanted to leave them.

 Alisya who didn't care left the three of them in the corridor entered the class that Karin was following.

 "What is going on?"  muttered Karin.

 "I don't know!"  Alisya said

 "You should know, right?"  retorted Karin.

 "Come on Karin, everyone has private matters that no one wants to know! After all, what right do I have to interfere? Don't exaggerate too much. Me and Adith just ..." Alisya did not know what sentence was correct to be able to.  She conveyed.  So far, she doesn't know for sure what their relationship is.  If it's a friend, Alisya doesn't feel close enough to be Adith's friend, and if it's a boyfriend or other special relationship, not too.  So far, Adith has only approached her to get rid of her boredom and boredom.

 Karin, who wanted to refute Alisya's words, was held back by the entrance bell that echoed throughout the room followed by the entry of a teacher.