Tell The Fact

"Brother Dava ... Don't be like that! It's okay!"  Alisya smiled cheerfully at the manager she had not seen for a long time.

 "You're getting bigger, Alisya. Why are you still outside? Come on in!"  Get Dava fast.

 "It was forbidden by the same ... aakkhhh" Alisya elbowed Karin's stomach quickly.

 "I will punish the clerk immediately!"  Upon hearing the manager's words, the employee who had been watching from afar quickly knelt to apologize.

 "I'm sorry, Sir. I-I didn't mean it like that. I'm just doing my job as usual!"  her voice was hoarse and her cheeks were wet with tears.  She was afraid that she would lose the job she loved so much.

 "Next time, you should find out before you act!"  Dava snapped in a low voice.

 "Dava ... You don't need to make a fuss about it. Isn't that the rule!"  Alisya helped the female employee stand up from her place.

 "Thank you ... Thank you very much! I'm sorry once again," she said, still sobbing.  Several other employees watched the incident closely to remind themselves to be more careful next.

 "So what are you looking for? Want me to accompany you?"  Dava volunteered politely.

 "You look very stiff. Let us just have a look around, You just give me an opinion later, ok?"  Karin immediately spread her gaze throughout the room.

 "Of course, I am ready whenever it is!"  said Dava while resigning allowing Karin and Alisya to have a look around comfortably assisted by several other employees.

 Even though they were afraid of making mistakes, Alisya's friendly smile and cheerful Karin made them melt a little and be less awkward when serving them both.  Instantly the place seemed to be a tourist attraction for Karin, traveling from one place to another.  Alisya let Karin enjoy her time while choosing a few dresses to be worn by her and Karin.

 "I think it will suit her very well, she will be very beautiful in this."  Alisya smiled and picked up a turquoise dress with Swarovski diamonds on her chest.

 "It seems you are very good at choosing clothes. This is a well-known brand and the only one in the world. The price is quite expensive, but this is the right choice if you want to attend a birthday party because the design looks simple but very elegant.  hidden, "A loyal employee accompanied Alisya without making a sound, now cheerfully praised Alisya's sharp eyes.

 "I'll take that one! Wrap it up quickly!"  A young customer wearing glasses immediately pointed at the dress Alisya was holding.

 "Sorry, but I saw this dress first."  Alisya tried to maintain the dress in her hand politely.

 "Sorry, Miss Kanya. But this lady took it first!"  said the employee very politely.

 The customer opened her glasses arrogantly.

 "I said wrap, just wrap!"  snapped Kanya fiercely.

 "But ..." A sudden slap flew across the cheek of the employee, making her cheeks turn red and fall.


 "Mom … Mom ..." Adith immediately broke into the house looking for his mother.

 "Why Ditya? You just came home screaming, what's wrong?"  His mother came with a confused face.

 "Ma ... I have something to ask!"  Adith immediately invited his mother to sit on the sofa comfortably.

 "What's wrong with you? Is there a very serious problem?"  Adith's mother was getting more and more curious.

 After taking a deep breath and calming down, Adith caught his breath and then looked at his mother.

 "Is it true that Mr. Ali is Alisya?"  Adith's voice was stern with very serious eyes.

 His mother was shocked and couldn't hide her expression.  Then, immediately her body shook violently at Adith's question.  Seeing his mother's surprised expression, Adith felt sure about what he thinking.

 "So it's true?"  Adith's eyes turned red and her voice was hoarse.

 "How do you know that, Dith?"  Adith's mother's voice sounded weak.

 "Why didn't you tell me all this time?"  Adith felt suffocated by a line of disappointment with his mother.

 "I'm sorry, dear. But I've been trying to tell you all this time, it's just that you haven't found the right time!"  Adith's mother's soft voice tried to calm her son.

 "Did ... have you known since a long time ago? So did Yogi? And I'm the only one who doesn't know all this?"  Adith's voice sounded heavier than before.

 His mother leaned closer to embrace Adith.

 "Your father already knows because mother asked him to investigate Alisya deeper to confirm the truth. Yogi doesn't know anything at all!"  he said, hitting Adith's shoulder lightly.

 "Then, tell me everything, Mom. Why doesn't Alisya recognize me if she is the master Ali I've been looking for? I thought Mr. Ali was a boy."  Adith gently let go of his mother's embrace.

 "Okay, looks like I can't hide it any longer. It's time for you to find out everything."  Adith's mother took a deep breath, before continuing her sentence.

 "Because of your trauma when you experienced the kidnapping and disappearance of Mr. Ali. These two things make your memories mixed up so you don't remember exactly what happened. You first met Alisya who you know as Mr. Ali was about 10 years ago, not the last time you guys meet, "explained his mother slowly as she continued to pay attention to Adith's condition.

 "10 years ago I met Alisya?"  asked Adith with a confused face.

 "That's right, Alisya, who was educated very hard from her father, who wanted a son, made Alisya look like a boy who was later called Mr. Ali by his guards. At that time, Alisya accidentally found you being chased by the kidnapper's dog. She bravely blocked the pack of dogs from biting you. And luckily, Alisya's guards weren't far away so they could save both of you easily! Since then, you and Alisya have been friends with each other! "  Her mother continued not to take her eyes off her son.

 Adith clasped her hands and looked down at her mother's every word.

 "Then when was the last time we parted? Why doesn't Alisya remember me at all?"  Asked Adith softly?

 "5 years ago, to be more precise when you were 10 years old when you were still in 5th-grade elementary school. Alisya disappeared because she was kidnapped by the same person who kidnapped you before. That person saw Alisya who saved you, so for some time, she continued to follow Alisya. Alisya were only seen with the guards who to hide Alisya's identity, at that time they did not use the identification as they use now so the kidnapper only knew that Alisya was just a child of a rich person, making him even more eager to take revenge on  Alisya so that after killing two of Alisya's bodyguards, he managed to kidnap Alisya! "  This time Adith's mother's voice seemed unable to continue her sentence imagining how scared Alisya, a child, would see the murder happening right before her eyes.