Adith Got Shot

"Alisya, this is a public place. Calm yourself. Don't attract any more attention. Look, even the guards and employees of this place seem scared of them!" Karin said reminding Alisya.

 Alisya looked around her where the employees stared with worry and fear, while the security guard just stood there frozen. Alisya feels annoyed because in a public place like this her bodyguards will not be able to approach Alisya especially because of Alisya's many friends around her.

 "Who owns this place? Why did they let bastards like them enter this place?" Alisya grew unable to hold back her anger.

 "hahahahahaha ... What can you do if you meet the owner, huh?" he said, holding tightly to Adora's hand who kept trying to escape.

 "Let her go!" Beni struggled to hit Ikbal's face hard and Beni was curled up by the male member.