About Yona

"Come in, we will be behind you. Adith and Riyan will walk to fill both sides of you!" Alisya immediately motivated Yona after they arrived at Zein's house.

"Am I not too flashy?" Yona still doubts herself. She who is used to wearing simple clothes now looks very different.

Yona looks very elegant with clothes attached to her body. Not luxurious and menor, Yona looks natural and what it is because Karin just wants to bring out her inner beauty.

"You will only look stupid if you act stiff like that!" Alisya's low and cold tone immediately stabbed into Yona's heart.

"This woman, she's always helping out coldly!" Karin pinched Alisya who were too blatant when she said what was on her mind.

"Sorry, she always like that! If you can't do it, we can go home now. Let us drive you!" Rinto got Alisya's sharp gaze at what she said.

"No, Alisya's right! Besides, you guys have done a lot, so I'll do what I have to do too!" said Yona to convince herself.