Mission Imposible

Rinto and Yogi, whose heads were still close to the grass, raised their thumbs and then got up to follow Karin, who had already run to the side of the building followed by Yogi while Alisya was in place while watching the guards from afar.

  Seeing the Yogi who had disappeared behind the wall, Alisya immediately stood up from her seat towards them.  when he was in a stepping position a very large thud rang out behind her.  Get Surprised, Alisya looked back and saw Beni had fallen on her back, clinging tightly on the grass.

  "What's that sound?"  said the guard who was shocked by the very loud voice.

  "I don't know either, but the direction is from the tree there!"  said the other guard.

  "Quick check, if there is anything we can be punished!"  orders someone while staying in position to see the surroundings.