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After the match between Zein and Erik, the last match between Adit and Ubay immediately became the highlight. Adit and Ubay straight off stood at the starting line to get ready for the most awaited match.

After getting the sign to start of the match from Adora and Edo, Ubay immediately sped up the stairs and Adit was behind him. Right after he was on the 3rd floor Ubay immediately started his attack.

"Don't expect to beat me easily... heiittthhh..." Ubay threw a spinning kick towards Adith who was behind him which made Adith hold on to the banister and leaned back so he could clearly see Ubay's feet above his face which almost hit his sharp nose.

"Neither do you, I won't let you win with that arrogance of yours." Adith jumped up on the slippery iron railing then grabbed the railing on the next ladder and avoided Ubay easily.